~Chapter 12~

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It's been three years...

konoha goes on as normal, It's a very busy day at the hokages office, at the hospital just a normal busy day for all Shinobi in konoha. Memory and sarada are currently training outside konoha walls using the tree as coverage and hiding spots.

Sounds of kunai clacking together could be heard while boruto and kawaki walked towards them. They looked around trying to see if they could spot the two with out their sharingan but they couldn't "sarada memory!!" boruto screamed causing kawaki to get a little bit shocked  at his sudden action. They waited a couple of minutes before two females jumped from a tree kneeling down and getting back up. "your annoying" sarada said annoyd and pulled his ear causing memory to gigle at them. "soo what do you guys want?" she asked turning her gaze to kawaki. Sarada let go of borutos ear and focused on kawaki "hokage wants us apperantly a new mission" he sys while putting his hands in his pocket and started walking the villages way. "what seriously us 4" memory said excited that they'd be teamed up again they've been of missions for two years because they were searching for naruto and hinata. And sasuke was out of it for an year kakashi took over until he got back on his feet same with sakura tsunade took her place. Both was totally devastated and broken.

After a long chat they reached the hokages tower and went in. Sasuke sat at his desk with no expression on it he tossed a scroll to boruto who catched it in time, they looked at him and he turned his gaze to them and smirked "enjoy" he looked down at his papers again. Boruto opened it up and it's a escort mission of a old shinobe "seriously an old lady" boruto said disappointed in the mission while getting a back clap from sarada "what take it or leave" he said still not focusing on them he mumbled fine and they were at the door "try making it on time this time before sakura kills you" sasuke's voice was heard when they left the room the uchimakis all screamed yes while walking out.

They escorted the lady to her village. Surprisingly memory and the lady got along well while they watched for danger.

They started heading for their village. "I wonder what's mom doing" memory whispered while walking infront of everyone. She didn't look at them only straight ahead. But they heard her. "me two" sarada said while catching up with her. "well not mom but dad idiot" boruto said while trying to prove he could be smart. Kawaki just walked silently. He wanted to say something but was interrupted by a scream. The kids stopped in immediately in their tracts looking at each other and nobbed they all started running in the direction the screams came.

There where three kids getting attacked 2 were unconscious while the little one tried fending them of. Sarada landed infront of her and memory by the unconscious kids while both kawaki and boruto behind the attackers. "it's oky" sarada turned her head to look at the scared girl and turned her gaze back to the enemy "listen your surrounded give up and we'll let you go... If not" her sharingan flared at them daring them to do something.

They said something of evil and weird kids and fled. Sarada and the boys walked towards each other saying it was easy and stuff. "leave them alone" was heard and they looked at the girl who is currently pushing memory away from the other two. They ran to momory and looked at her "I'm fine she started freaking out when I touched them" they looked at the girl with shaking hands holding a kunai. But shocked when her eyes showed a light purple color same as memory but no byakugan was activated. They stared at each other for a while untill the little girl started crying. "hey what's wrong" sarada moved towards her same did memory "why do you have her eyes" the little girl said pointing her finger at memory while siting near the others.
Memory looked shocked so did the others. "what so you mean? Her eyes are unique and-" sarada was interrupted by her "no no no mama has those eyes...I miss mama" she screamed while tears were forming and suddenly busrtsed out. Everyone was shocked at this but the girl crying soon turned to screams of terror she rolled on the ground holding her head screaming crazily of pain. Her eyes started to flare up and didn't stop. This went on for an entire 5 minutes. The kids didn't know what to do in those five minutes they just panicked and tried helping. She now laid still in memorys arms. "s-sasuke u uchiha w-where's he?" she managed to say before falling unconscious.
They all looked at eachother wanting to know what to do now. "let's take her to dad" boruto said walking to the other two. They all agreed and the boys carried the other two while memory carried the girl. "why should I carry the dude" boruto whined while picking him up and putting him on his back. "because I dipsed carrying her first" kawaki grinned while carrying the girl bridal style. They walked to the village in silence not one mentioning anything.

"MEMORY!!!" tsunade screamed while angrily walking no rather speed walking towards them. "yeah?" she asked looking at tsunade "what the hell i-whose that?" she wanted to scream but was to shocked to see the kids carrying other unconscious kids she looked at them "bring them I'll get sakura" they all hurried to the hospital.

Sakura and tsunade each checked their chakra flow and Health of the kids while one of the nurses went to inform sasuke and shikamaru. It wasn't more then 30 minutes but they both showed up and was informed of what happened by kawaki and sarada. "she asked for me" he looked at the girl who laid in the hospital bed arms crossed. "yeah she used uchiha not uchimakis that's weird right everyone knows that you changed your surname" menma said walking in looking the same as sasuke arms crossed. They all looked at him while he approached her.

Sakura walked in and smiled at sasuke but it fanished soon "she has the byakugan" sasuke looked at her his eyes sternly on her "that's not the only reason you have that face" he states holding his composure while everyone's eyes turned to her. She walked to the girl and stroked her hair everyone found this weird exept sasuke "sakura" his deadly voice dared her to speak the real reason she is so sad. "she has hintas blood in her and..." memory looked at her mom with tears starting to form "and!" he got impatient with sakura "the female next to us" she looked at the other girl lying at the other bed "if you haven't noticed both she and the boy in the other room... they have his chakra, and this little girl.. " she paused for a while scanning his expressions before releasing a heavy sigh "she has his whiskers" the kids didn't know what this actually meant but sasuke did "Are fucking with me sakura did he fu-" "SASUKE!" Shikamaru screamed getting everyones attention. He and sasuke stared a glance "sasuke the blonde girl is narutos and hinatas daughter... The boy and that girl is uncertain but his chakra is within  them..." sakura said while a tear fell from her eyes.

"aunty..." said the little girl still dreaming everyones attention was drawn to her immediately she was still sleeping but having a nightmare. "mama..." she started wriggling around the bed so did the blonde next to her.

This got sakura aswell as sasukes attention they both walked towards the beds sakura to the blackhead and sasuke to the blonde. "na-" blackhaired girl tried saying but couldn't. "naru" sasuke and sakura looked at each other and knew what they where saying "NARUTO!!!!" they both screamed while quickly siting straight up. Sakura looked at them same as the others. "hey it's oky" sakura reached for the little girl but a pillow was thrown at her "Shia here now" the blonde said demanding while standing on the mattress in a devenceive position Shia jumped towards her and hid behind her arm.

"that wasn't nice" sasuke said while looking at them sakura picked the pillow up and placed it on the bed and stood next to sasuke. "where is he?!" the blonde asked looking at them. "in the next room" sakura said kindly knowing who she was revering to, memory walked towards them same as menma. "they have their features look" Shia whispered while pointing at the two who stood next to the bed. "whose?" menma asked "ughhhh you two seriously are idiots" a voice was heard by the door the boy walked in that was supposed to be unconscious. He walked towards menma and memory while gliding his hand through his hair "you two..." he looked them up and down before continuing "are really hot" he said this caused them both to blush and caused an angry sasuke and sakura was just shocked at his bluntness

"why are you idiots up there? Get down naruto didn't raise animals now did he" he jumped on the bed and laid back with his arm behind his neck. They both climbed down and sat on the bed he was on "did you just say naruto" mama asked looking at this weirdly calm dude. "look you might look cute but I ain't telling you shi-" he looked at shui who was looking straight at him "uhh nothing... Not untill I meet sasuke uchiha" his face turned serious so did the older blondes "I'm sasuke uchiha but my surname changed to uchimaki" sasuke stated while walking towards them "the names shinachiki call me shin that blondie is hanami and the black head with cute whiskers is shui" he states while looking at sasuke

"prove it" "what" sasuke asked confused to what to prove "prove your the real deal" shin states, directly looking at sasuke "prove you're sasuke uchiha" while simultaneously getting a death glare from hanami "how" sasuke states causing shino to grin and hanami to have a defeated look on her face mixed with I'll kill you face while shui just sat there...

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