Watching The Rose

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It's been three months since I left the hospital. In that time my family's gone down hill. Tai's beyond heart broken about Summer. Qrow's turned to the bottle and Raven, she ran back to the tribe. As for me I've just been drifting by every now and then to check on Ruby. Most of the time she's taken of. 

But at night she's left in her crib. If I had to guess Tai can't yet bring himself to fall asleep next to Ruby. Guess it doesn't help that she's a dead ringer for his wife. At the moment I fly onto the ground landing in my human form. Upon entering the house I hear Ruby crying. I head to her crib.

Y/N: "Shh, it's okay."

I gently pick her up cradling her. 

Y/N: "You hungry?"

I head to the kitchen. Warming up a bottle I sit in the living room chair and feed her. Her crying is instantly soothed. 

Y/N: "Guess Tai hadn't fed you yet."

She only coos. Once the bottle's empty I pat her back where she lets out a pretty decent burp. When that's down I lay her on my legs where I push her hair to the side.

Y/N: "It's astonishing how much you like like your mother."

I lightly boop her nose. She grabs left pointer finger and nibbles on it. 

Y/N: "Hey, that's not for chewing."

She lightly growls with some drool leaking out. I emit a small laugh. But I lose it looking at Ruby being reminded of my sister. I lift Ruby up as some tears brew.

Y/N: "Why did you sacrifice yourself? And for me of all people?"

Ruby uses her tiny hands to cup my cheeks. She then places her forehead on mine while very softly cooing.

Y/N: "What're you my therapist?"

She pouts, adorable.


I wake up to see the sun beginning to rise. I rub my eyes when I hear light snoring. Looking I see Ruby laying on my chest. I smile when a door shuts. Acting quick I place Ruby in her crib and exit the house perching on a tree branch in my bird form.

Tai: "Good morning Ruby. You hungry?"

Ruby: *coos*

Tai: "Coming right up."


I watch from the top of tree as Ruby runs around the backyard. Tai grills some burgers while Qrow talks stories with Yang at a table. I watch Ruby head into the woods. The adults haven't noticed so I fly after her. She explores the bushes when she comes to a small cave.

Ruby: "Anyone in there?"

There's a moment or two of silence. Then a large black bear trudges out of the cave.

Ruby: "Hello mister bear, how're you?"

The bear roars then raises its paw. I take off landing between Ruby and the bear. I screech at the top of my lungs while spreading out my wings making myself look bigger. It yips running back into the cave. I tuck my wings back in when Ruby wraps her arms around me.

Ruby: "Thank you mister buzzard."

She nuzzles closer to me as I groan internally.

Tai: *in distance* "Ruby, where are you?"

Ruby: *turns* "In the woods."

The second she turns around I take flight into the trees. She turns back around and becomes slightly sad.

Ruby: "Aww."

Tai: "Ruby come here."

Ruby: "Coming!"

She runs back to Tai. Meanwhile my mind wonders back to three months into Summer's pregnancy.


Y/N: "Can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle."

Summer: "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Summer: "I want you to promise me something."

Y/N: "Anything."

Summer: "In the event something should happen to me."

Y/N: "What're you talking about? Nothing-"

Summer: "In the event. I want you to be the one to take care of Ruby."

Y/N: "Why me?"

Summer: "Because if I were to go then Tai would be too caught up in grief. Qrow, well you know how Qrow will be. And Raven will run to take care of the tribe. So that just leaves you. So promise me, promise me you'll look after her if I should die."

*end of flashback*

Y/N: *internally* "I swear on my life Summer. I swear she will be taken care of."

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