Brunswick Dreams

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My eyes shoot open as I loudly groan in pain. Slowly sitting up my body emits various cracks and pops. I gently rise when my back emits a sickening pop. This makes me sigh in relief as all the pain goes away.

Ruby: "You okay Uncle Y/N?"

Y/N: "I am now. What about you guys? Any of you hurt?"

Yang: "Just shaken."

They voice in agreement. 

Weiss: "Where even are we?"

I pull out my scroll looking at the map that's constantly staticing.

Y/N: "We're literally in the middle of nowhere."

Weiss: "Oh joy."

Ruby: "Come on guys, It could be-"

Y/N: "Don't say it!"

Ruby: "Right, sorry."

Blake: "Do you know which way to go?"

I lightly tap my scroll.

Y/N: "No. Snow's interfering with the satellite. We might as well be walking blindfolded."

Ruby: "Let's just follow the tracks. They're bound to lead us somewhere."

Y/N: "Good thinking kid. Gather your bags and be ready to move."

They nod gathering their stuff. After throwing my bag over my shoulder we walk alongside the tracks as Yang pushes her motorcycle. Half an hour later Weiss speaks up.

Weiss: "The snow's getting worse. That usually means a blizzard's coming."

Y/N: "You kids stay here. I'll fly ahead."

I drop my bag taking to the skies in my buzzard form. Going nearly a mile I look down seeing a small estate. Smiling I land back at the others.

Yang: "Anything?"

Y/N: "Yeah. There's an estate about a mile northwest of here. Let's hurry before the blizzard arrives."

We run to the estate. We open the door entering the main house. We then notice a large layer of dust everywhere.

Ruby: "Looks like no one's been here in years."

Y/N: "Split up and look around. You never know who might be here."

We split up each taking a section of the house to investigate. I take the living room. Looking around I see a small library and dust on everything. That's when I hear someone scream. Turning around I see Weiss hurry down the stairs with a look of utter terror on her face. 

Y/N: "What's wrong?"

Weiss: "B-b-b-b-bodies. Upstairs."

I wrap my arm around her escorting her to the couch.

Y/N: "You just sit and try to relax. I'll light us a fire."

Moving quickly I light the fireplace. As I finish the others join us in the living room. There we just sit in silence until Weiss breaks it.

Weiss: "We're not staying here, are we?"

Y/N: "We don't have many options. We can either stay the night here and wait for the storm to clear up. Or leave now and freeze before we even made it down the driveway."

Ruby: "Hey, if these people never left then maybe they have some supplies we can use."

Blake: "And if lucks turns out a car that can fit all of us."

Y/N: "We'll do that in the morning. For now we need to get some sleep."

They head off to sleep. As I sleep I find myself back a the forest where Summer died. My heart begins beating faster when it drops hearing a voice.

Voice: "Y/N."

I turn around. Doing so my eyes widen at what lays before me. Standing only a couple feet in front of me is the one who meant the world to me.

Y/N: "How?"

Summer: "Our power connects us. We help it grow until it's ready to be passed. When it is a small piece of the one before remains to help guide the current wielder."

Tears begin to run down my cheeks.

Y/N: "I never thought I'd get to see you again. I'm so happy."

Summer: "As am I. But now is not the time for it. It's time for you to pass the power."

Y/N: "I can't. She's not ready."

Summer: "She's as ready as she'll ever be. It's her turn."

I hang my head as my tears hit the floor.

Y/N: "I can't Summer. If I do then Salem will go after her. I already lost you. I don't wanna lose anyone else."

Summer wraps her arms around me pulling me into a tender hug.

Summer: "It'll be oaky Y/N. We'll watch over her, together."

I return her hug burying my face in her cloak.

Y/N: "I'm scared Summer."

Summer: "I know. I am too."

We continue to hug. I then feel tears stain my shirt.

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