Schnee Mine

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Ruby POV

The very next day I head to a guy named Pietro's lab. Opening my crate I see a brand new outfit. Slipping it on I smile but it's not complete. Reaching into my pocket I pull out Y/N's feather. I lightly rub it remembering him. Looking into a mirror I set up the feather. 

Yang POV

I slip on my jacket and head to the others. Arriving I see them all in new outfits.

Yang: "Not bad guys. Wait, where's Ruby?"

Ruby: "Right here."

I turn seeing her. But looking at her hair I notice something different.

Yang: "Y/N's feather."

I smile seeing it intertwined in her hair.

Ruby: "Yeah. Wherever I go it goes. It's my lucky charm."

Clover: "Come on guys. Let's get moving."

Ruby POV

We enter the airship being flown to the mine. As we do Clover makes a projection.

Clover: "Here's what we know. The mine is completely overrun by Grimm. We've tried dwindling down their number but they just keep replenishing them. If we had to guess there's likely a bigger Grimm giving them orders. So if we wanna get rid of the Grimm then we gotta get rid of their leader. Thanks to some satellite images we've found the Grimm are coming from within the heart of the mine. Meaning that's where we'll find their leader."

Pilot: "Approaching drop zone."

Clover: "Let's make this happen everyone."

He opens the side door. Without hesitation I swan dive out. I laugh feeling the air cascade against my skin. When I get close to the ground I slam Crescent Rose into the side of a building. I ride it down landing safely on the ground. The others join me shortly after.

Clover: *in ear piece* "Alpha team checking in. Begin making your way inside the mine."

We do just that. As soon as we enter one of the shafts we encounter a blockage.

Harriet: "Bravo here. Hit a block but we'll work around it."

Clover: "Copy, keep me updated."

Harriet: "We could possibly blast our way through, but we'd need to see what's on the other side first. We don't wanna set off all the dust."

Marrow: "There's an opening. But it's too small. Any of you got a knack for squeezing into small places?"

We all look at Blake.

Blake: "Guess I'm up."

She walks to the opening easily squeezing through it.

Ruby: "Anything?"

Blake: *muffled* "No. Just mine carts."

Harriet: "Then it's safe to blast through."

There's then a loud roar.

Yang: "What was that?"

Weiss: "It had to be the leader."

Harriet: "Let's move."

She uses robotics to blast the blockage away. We then make our way to the heart of the mine. There we see this behemoth of a Grimm. It's easily the size of a three story house. It has bone plating surrounding its head, shoulders and chest. There's foot long spikes running down its spine. It's hands and feet have five razor sharp claws perfect for tearing through stone. Finally it has two horns growing from the sides of its head.

Yang: "By Oum."

Blake: "What is that thing?"

Clover: "It's a long thought extinct type of Grimm known as Behemoth."

Jaune: "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's the thing bossing the Grimm around."

Elm: "Correct."

Ren: "This... is not gonna be an easy fight."

Vine: "Don't buckle now. This is what we signed up for."

Ruby: "He's right, let's take this thing down."

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