Unmarked Town

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Nora: "A new day full of new possibilities."

Ruby: "What're we doing today?"

Y/N: "Walking."

Nora: "With a side of?"

Ren: "More walking."

Ruby: "Man Haven's a lot further than I thought it'd be."

Y/N: "I would've been there months ago. Had someone not decided to tag along."

Ruby: "You said it was your duty to watch over me. Can't do that if you leave my sight."

Y/N: "By the way, how long did you think this hike would take?"

Ruby: "Two weeks?"

Y/N: "Not even close."

Ruby: "Fine. Three weeks. Hey what's that?"

We look to see the tops of buildings.

Jaune: *lowers map* "Odd. The map doesn't show a town to be here."

Ren: "We should investigate."

We head inside to see a ghost town.

Nora: "Over here."

We join her at a sign.

Nora: "I've never heard of Oniyuri before."

Ren: "I have."

We look at him.

Ren: "In the past the richer citizens of Mistral grew tired with how the kingdom was being run. So they left and pooled their money to build their own city. Many had hopes it'd become its own kingdom governed by its own rules. My parents did."

Ruby: "What went wrong?"

Ren: "What always goes wrong."

Jaune: "Grimm."

Y/N: "We should leave."

We begin heading out of Oniyuri. But as we do the hair on my neck rises.

Ruby: "You okay?"

The wind ceases as I turn around holding out my metal arm. A bladed gauntlet strikes it sending sparks in my face. The unseen foe sends their boot into my jaw launching me into the side of a building. I look forward to see a male in a brown coat.

Y/N: "Who are you? What're you doing here?"

Tyrian: "My name is Tyrian my dear friend. And I'm here to kill you."

Y/N: "You can try."

I fire blasts rocketing myself towards Tyrian. I bring down a sword of light that Tyrian catches with his gauntlet blades.

Tyrian: "Goddess Salem spoke very highly of you. It pisses me off. Therefore you must die."

I use my metal arm to uppercut his ribs. Several cracks are heard as he coughs up blood. I then grab his head slamming his face onto the cobblestone street. I attempt to stomp on him when he uses a scorpion tail to slice my thigh.

Y/N: "Damn Faunus."

I grab his tail and swing him into a building. He springs out blades at the ready. I side step and elbow drop his back. He face plants as I grab ahold of his stinger. It lurches forward cutting me again. I grit my teeth and rip his entire tail off.

Tyrian: "Bastard!!!!"

He attempts to swing his blade at me. I catch his arm and snap it the other way. As he screams bloody murder I backhand him with my metal arm throwing his jaw completely out of its socket. I watch as he grabs his profusely broken mouth trying to stop the bleeding.

Y/N: "Serves you right."

I turn around and walk to the others.

Y/N: "You kids okay?"

Ruby: "Yeah. But let's get you patched up."

Ren: "What about him?"

Y/N: "I wouldn't worry about him. He can die for all I care."

We leave the area. But as I exit I hear Tyrian scream only to be silenced by a loud chomp. I sit near the campfire when I notice the others are dead silent. 

Y/N: "Do one of you wanna say what's wrong?"

They remain silent. Nora then looks at me.

Nora: "What's going on? Why was Beacon attacked?"

I take a deep breath.

Y/N: "I'm trying to figure that out. But all I know is that it involves a woman named Salem."

Jaune: "Salem?"

Ruby: "Who's that?"

Y/N: "An ancient and powerful woman who works in the shadows."

Ren: "What's she planning?"

Y/N: "I don't know. But it's nothing good."

I stand up.

Y/N: "It's getting late. Time you kids got some sleep."

They nod heading off to bed. I quickly join them.

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