Down But Not Out

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3rd POV

The sun rises bringing the young Huntsmen out of their sleep. The first thing they hear is Y/N groaning in pain.

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N."

She runs to his side. She then looks where Tyrian cut him to see it leaking his venom.

Y/N: "Just great."

Jaune throws an arm around him and carries Y/N down the road. 

Ruby: "How much further?"

Ren: "I don't know. It's hard to tell without a map."

He stops as he and Nora run to a sign.

Ruby: "And?"

Ren: "Not good. Our path leads us through the mountains."

Jaune: "I can't climb while holding onto him."

Ruby joins them at the sign.

Ruby: "What about this Kuroyuri place?"

Ren: "No go, that place got wiped out."

Ruby: "But they would've had a doctor right? Maybe they left some medicine behind."

Ren: "That's a strong maybe. He might not make it."

Nora: "Then let's split up. Ren and I can take the mountains while you guys check for medicine. If you don't find any and we reach Mistral then we can bring back some help."

They think about it for a moment.

Jaune: "Just promise you'll look after each other."

Nora: "We always have."

They all then split up. Ruby and Jaune reach Kuroyuri and search for medicine. Meanwhile Y/N sits under a tree mumbling to himself. A loud shrill then fills the air forcing Ruby and Jaune to regroup. When they do they encounter Ren and Nora.

Jaune: "What're you guys doing here?"

Another shrill is emitted. The young Huntsmen turn to see a large pack of Beowolves coming out of the woods. 

Ren: "That's not good."

Jaune: "What're gonna do?"

Ruby: "Don't let a single one get near Y/N."

They withdraw their weapons as the pack charges.


I faintly open my eyes. Looking forward I see the kids fighting a huge pack of Beowolves. They're handling themselves pretty well making me slightly smile. My eyes turn to Ruby who's unaware of a Beowolf sneaking up behind her.

I groan as I raise my hand. I launch a blast of light that takes out the Beowolves. But as it bursts to dust a howl makes a decent number of Beowolves make their way to me. 

Y/N: "Ah crap."

A Beowolf brings its claws down on me. I throw my weight to the side rolling my body out of the way. I try to get up but my whole body feels like it's made of lead.

Y/N: "Damnit."

I look up to see a Beowolf swinging its claws downward. I make my eyes pulse. This makes my body be thrown between the Beowolf's legs dodging its attack. A third Beowolf manages to bite down on my left shoulder. 

It then shakes its head ripping up my shoulder. I grit my teeth and make my eyes shine. The Beowolf bursts into dust as another attempts to grab my neck. I launch a blast on the back of my shoulder flipping me over the Beowolf. 

As I go over it I make my eyes shine killing the Beowolf. A unseen Beowolf grabs ahold of my throat lifting me into the air. I go to make my eyes shine but the Beowolf slices my face making me shout in pain.

Y/N: "Fucking damnit!!!!"

I faintly open my eye as the Beowolf brings its jaws in to bite my head off. Before it can a shout is heard as the Beowolf is cut in half. Ruby then runs to my side.

Ruby: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I think it just got my eyelids."

A howl echoes out. We look to see the pack replace its numbers. I curse when heavy gunfire rains down. Looking up we see Mistral airships using turrets to mow down the pack. They retreat allowing the airships to land and load us up. We're then flown to the safety of the kingdom of Mistral.

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