Let Your Light Shine

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Ruby POV

A chill runs down my spine hearing that voice. It can't be. Turning around and for sure it's them. Tears begin to run down my cheeks.

Y/N: "Hey kid."

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N."

I run pulling him into a tight hug.

Ruby: "I missed you. So very much."

Y/N: "I did too Ruby."

Ruby: "How're you here?"

Y/N: "Our power connects us. A shred of the previous wielder remains in the power that's passed on."

I hang my head.

Ruby: "I'm sorry uncle Y/N."

Y/N: "Why're you apologizing?"

Ruby: "For being so weak. I'm not fit enough to carry this power. I'm not strong like you. You should've just picked someone who was stronger."

He places his hand on my chin making my eyes match his. He then pushes locks of my hair away.

Y/N: "You are strong kiddo. You're far stronger than I ever was. You managed to use the power in only a day when it took me months. That just proves you were the perfect choice to carry the light. You're stronger than you realize. You've just gotta believe in yourself."

He then hugs me.

Y/N: "You've got your mother's compassion. Like her you put your life on the line to protect the ones you care about. Use that as your source of power. When you're fighting for the sake of others then there's nothing in this world that can stop you. You can do it."

I smile returning his hug. The world goes up in light again. When it subsides I see Salem with a smile on her face.

Salem: "Any last words?"

Ruby: "Yes. You're finished."

I make light surround my hand and uppercut her away. I stand and pull her sword out of me. Light shines through my wound as it closes itself. I then look at Salem who's about to blow a gasket.

Salem: "How?"

I only smile which makes her mad.

3rd POV

Ruby's eyes shine as a beam of light is fired from them. It rips up the ground hitting Salem directly in the chest. She screams in pain as her body develops deep burns. Not wanting to die she forces her body to heal. It works but at a slow pace.

Salem: "I won't lose! Especially to a runt like you!!!"

Suddenly two orbs of light appear on Ruby's sides. They then form into ethereal forms of Y/N and Summer who place a hand on Ruby's shoulders. Their eyes shine making a white aura surround Ruby. 

Ruby: "You've hurt my family for too long. Today your reign of pain ends."

Salem: "Fucking runt!!!!"

The beam consumes Salem making her holler at the top of her lungs. Her body then crumbles and fades into dust. Ruby recalls the beam as the last of Salem's ashes blow away in the wind.

Ruby: "I did it. Salem's no more. You guys can rest now."


It's been the better part of three years now. The Grimm have been completely wiped out no longer posing a threat to mankind. The once destroyed Beacon has been repaired with Glynda being appointed headmistress. 

As for the heroes, they each went their own way. Jaune moved back to Argus where he finally settled down with Pyrrha. Nora and Ren also got together. Team JNPR are all now expecting children. 

Yang found her mother and managed to get her to come back home. Weiss overthrew her father and became the new heir to the SDC. Blake spends most of her time in Menagerie, still coming by every now and then. 

Lastly is Ruby. Once everything had went back to normal she set out on a life of a Huntress. In a little over a year she quickly gained a reputation. At the moment she stands at her mother's grave which now has a neighbor in the form of Y/N. 

Ruby: "Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait. Turns out the Huntress life is really hectic. It hardly leaves me any time to visit. Everyone's fine, they're out living their lives. All and all life's good. Just wish you guys were here with us. But I know you're a lot better where you're at."

She hangs her head. But unknown to her the ghostly forms of her mother and uncle appear on her sides. They then each put an arm around her. This makes her smile as a warm feeling fills her. A feeling that they're still there.

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