Train Ride From Hell

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3rd POV

Mercury stares down Ruby.

Mercury: "So long runt."

He sends his foot forward ready to put a bullet between Ruby's eyes. Meanwhile she stares in horror as the thought of her death looms over her. As Mercury's boot gets closer they hear a yell of pure anger.

Y/N: "Get away from her!!!!"

Like lightning Y/N kicks Mercury in his jaw. He zips to the side going through two academy pillars. Ruby looks her uncle in his eyes. But instead of seeing him she only sees a sea of anger clouding them.

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N?"

He remains still only to turn around. His eyes fall on Hazel.

Y/N: *trancelike* "You hurt my niece. For that you'll pay with your life."

He gets into a runner's stance. Hazel taunts him with his hand. Y/N disappears as a white blur. Hazel looks around when out of nowhere he's sent to his knee. Looking around he sees nothing. Hazel is sent chest down. Following that he's sent flying into the academy wall. 

Ruby: "What?"

Hazel shakes himself alert. But that's when his head is seen going from side to side violently. Y/N finally appears sending a final right hook to Hazel's jaw. He's blown back through the wall into the courtyard.

Y/N turns catching Emerald's sickle. She sends out her second sickle. But Y/N swings her around. Then lifting her up she's slammed into the ceiling. Finally Y/N yanks her sending her into the ground with enough force to shatter her aura.

Y/N: "You all disappoint me."

He inhales deeply. As he exhales his power subsides. He then marches to Hazel kicking him onto his back. He then places his foot on his chest aiming a blast of light at his face.

Y/N: "Answer me, what's Salem's plan?"

Hazel: "I'll never... tell you."

Y/N: "Tell me, or die. Your choice."

He looks at Y/N. He then groans.

Hazel: "She's after that power of yours. At first she wanted it gone. But after seeing how it grew she wanted to have it on her side."

Y/N: "What's her next plan?"

Hazel: "Our goal was to capture you here. If it were to fail then we move onto plan B."

Y/N: "What's plan B?"

Hazel: "Destroy Atlas."

Y/N grits his teeth.

Y/N: "Why Atlas?"

Hazel: "One of your companions holds quite the influence there. Simply destroy it and your defense will weaken. Then once it is we march to claim the power that courses through your veins."

Y/N: "I'll die before I let Atlas fall."

He kicks Hazel unconscious and joins the others.

*timeskip Y/N POV*

I finish my story making everyone lean back in their seats.

Weiss: "So they wanna destroy my home."

Y/N: "It won't come to that. I promise."

Suddenly the train begins to rumble. I look out the window groaning.

Ruby: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Manticores, and lots of them. Salem must know where we're heading."

Jaune: "What do we do?"

Yang: "We need to get rid of the Manticores before we reach Argus."

Blake: "But there's too many."

I think when everyone looks at me.

Ruby: "What're you thinking?"

Y/N: "Hazel said Salem's after me. That must mean these Manticores are here to get me. So I'm thinking we use this to our advantage. Jaune, you and your team are gonna take the passengers to the front cars and disconnect yourselves. Meanwhile Ruby, her team and myself will deal with the Manticores."

Jaune: "Promise to meet us in Argus?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

They smile as we split up. When the cars disconnect I turn around as a Sphinx lands in front of me. It roars as Manticores land surrounding it.

Y/N: "You kids take the Manticores. I'll deal with the Sphinx."

RWBY: "Yes sir."

I launch myself into air at the Sphinx. It brings together its jaws to eat me. I fire another blast vaulting me onto the Sphinx's back. It roars flapping its wings. I wrap my arms around its neck as it takes flight.

It yips doing several barrel rolls trying to get rid of me. The Gs stack on making my blood to flow away from my brain. My eyes grow heavy as my grip slightly loosens. I make my eyes shine giving me more strength. I become more alert allowing me to retighten my grip.

Y/N: "Damn flying Grimm."

I grab the Sphinx's adam apple with my metal arm. I squeeze hard letting out a loud crunch. The Sphinx emits a gurgled roar before falling near the front car. The train hits the body causing it to derail. I can only watch as my body is swept up in the ensuing crash.

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