The Plunge

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At sunrise I fly out of the auditorium. Looking I spot Ozpin and land next to him.

Ozpin: "You're up early."

Y/N: "There an issue?"

Ozpin: "None. Just surprised."

Y/N: "So what're the kids doing?"

Ozpin: "They'll be flung into the forest below us. They'll then head to collect a relic to bring back here."

Y/N: "Nothing better not happen to Ruby."

Ozpin: "You needn't worry. That's where you come in. You'll be tasked with watching over her."

Y/N: "Aren't you concerned that she might recognize me?"

Ozpin: "I doubt she will. She was young back then."

Y/N: "I don't know. She has dreams of me visiting her as a baby. Plus Tai kinda spilled the beans about my tie with her mother."

Ozpin: "Did he say your name?"

Y/N: "No."

Ozpin: "Then she won't be able to make the connection."

Y/N: "Still, I can't help but worry."

Ozpin: "I understand."

There's a moment of silence.

Ozpin: "You know she's bound to find out sooner or later."

Y/N: "I know. And that's what terrifies me the most. She'll be hunted regardless if I tell her."

Ozpin: "Summer was hunted because of the power she had. Power you now have. So miss Rose is safe."

Y/N: "Yeah but you and I both know I can't hold it forever. When I die it'll transfer to whoever I hold the most important connection with, which would be Ruby. So either way she'll get it when I die or I transfer it when it's her turn."

Ozpin: "Then it indeed seems that she'll be hunted regardless."

Y/N: "I just pray she's ready if I do have to tell her."

Ozpin: "That makes two of us."

He checks his pocket watch.

Ozpin: "They're about to be here. You should fly away."

I turn around turning into my bird form. I then take flight landing somewhere in the middle of the forest. A minute or so later I see the kids get launched. I flap my wings taking to the skies. I hover overhead keeping a close eye on Ruby. I watch as her and some white themed girl head to grab a relic.

After some shenanigans Ruby and some others head back to the cliffs with a Deathstalker and Nevermore chasing after them. They reach a set of ruins where the Nevermore slams into the bridge. I grit my teeth zooming towards the Nevermore.

Ruby POV

I fire Crescent Rose landing back on solid ground. I then hear an angry yell. Looking up I see a man around my uncle's age burst out of a cloud of smoke. His eyes shine as a giant sword of light forms on his arm.

He rams it into the Nevermore's chest pinning it to the cliff. The Nevermore squawks at the top of its lungs when the strange man's eyes shine blinding us. When our sights return we see the man gone and the Nevermore's head missing.

Yang: "What the heck was that?"

Weiss: "It looked like a man."

Blake: "He took out that Nevermore like it was nothing."

Weiss: "Oh well. Let's just get these relics back to Ozpin so we can get a grade."

They begin walking away. Meanwhile I hang back reseeing what just happen. I then focus on that man and the feeling he gave me. It felt like I've seen him before. I try to recall where but get interrupted by having my name called.

Yang: "Ruby you coming?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

I shake these thoughts away and head with the others back to the auditorium.


I fly through the auditorium window and look at the stage.

Ozpin: "You four shall be known as team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose."

I crack a small smile, way to go kid. That night I perch on the window seal and tap the glass with my beak. Ruby walks by in her pajamas.

Ruby: "There you are. I was starting to worry. Did you have fun?"

I chirp flying into the room and landing on the mini shelf. Ruby then crawls into her bed.

Ruby: "Night guys."

WBY: "Night Ruby."

Ruby: "Night N/N."

Y/N: *caws*

The lights go out coating the room in darkness.

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