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I finish my story. Tai runs his hands through his hair letting out a heavy sigh.

Tai: "So Summer had this weird power that she transferred to you?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Tai: "And now it's time for Ruby to inherit that power?"

Y/N: "Correct."

He lets out another sigh.

Tai: "Why Oum? She's just a kid."

Y/N: "I don't think Oum's gonna hear you."

Tai: "How is she?"

Y/N: "She got beat up pretty bad. Thankfully I was able keep her attacker from killing her."

I look at my metal arm which's still emitting some heat.

Tai: "Still can't believe you cut off your own arm."

Y/N: "We all do crazy things in the heat of the moment. I'm gonna go check on her."

I get up and head up the stairs. Entering her room she wakes up.

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hey kid."

I take a seat.

Ruby: "How'd I get here?"

Y/N: "I brought you here."

Ruby: "Oh. Wait, what happened to Beacon?"

Y/N: "It's been destroyed, along with Vale."

She looks down in defeat.

Ruby: "I failed."

Y/N: "You didn't fail kid. You were just unprepared."

Ruby: "Still. A lot of people got hurt... and worse. I can't help but feel like we lost big time."

Y/N: "Believe me, you ain't lost big time."

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Ruby: "On Beacon Tower, I saw you using some kind light. What was that?"

I pause thinking it over. I steel myself making my eyes change to silver.

Ruby: "Your eyes, they're... silver. How?"

Y/N: "Your mom held a great power within her. When she died she passed it on to me. She said to use it to protect you. And so that's what I've been doing, for seventeen years."

Ruby: "So it was my mom who tasked you?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

I revert my eyes.

Ruby: "How come it took you this long to return?"

Y/N: "Because when I got this power I was vastly unexperienced. So I went with Ozpin to train. Once I felt I had enough control I came back as my bird form to keep a close eye on you."

Ruby: "So what are we gonna do now?"

Y/N: "You're gonna rest."

I leave her room heading back to the living room. When I enter I see Qrow sitting on the couch.

Qrow: "How is she?"

Y/N: *sits* "Fine. Her bruises will take some time to heal."

Tai: "What're we gonna do?"

Qrow: "As we know Beacon was specifically targeted. So odds are someone's got a bone to pick with it."

Y/N: "That leaves a long list of potential suspects."

Tai: "I'm sure we'll find out who it is here before too long."

I look at Qrow to see him looking uneasy. Later that night I drag him outside.

Qrow: "What gives?"

Y/N: "You know who attacked Beacon, don't you?"

He freezes. He then sighs.

Qrow: "Yeah."

Y/N: "Who?"

Qrow: "Salem."

My heart drops to my stomach. It then begins getting harder to breathe.

Y/N: "Are you sure?"

Qrow: "No doubt. I have concrete intel saying it was one of her pawns that led the assault on Beacon."

Y/N: "After all these years she's made her return."

I begin thinking. Qrow notices cutting me off.

Qrow: "You're insane for thinking that."

Y/N: "You don't know what I was thinking."

Qrow: "No but history tells me you're planning on going after Salem."

Y/N: "The thought crossed my mind once or twice."

Qrow: "You nearly died once. Take it from me when I say you shouldn't test your luck."

Y/N: "I'm not going after her directly. I'm planning on going after one of her pawns."

Qrow: "That's equally as bad."

Y/N: "Relax, I got a plan."

He sighs exasperatedly.

Qrow: "All I gotta say is don't get yourself killed."

I nod bursting into my bird form. I then take flight east to my desired location.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading for so long. Life for me has just been up and down. But I'm back and am gonna be uploading as much as I can. Till then I hope to see you next time.

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