Aunt Vs Uncle

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We exit the house heading to the academy to see no one. 

Yang: "Where's Leo?"

Y/N: "I have no clue. Keep your eyes peeled. Something's off."

Man: "Very clever."

We look forward to see a mountain of a man standing before us. 

Y/N: "Who the hell're you?"

Hazel: "My name is Hazel."

Ruby: "Why're you here? Where's Leo?"

Hazel: "The headmaster's been... relieved of his duties. As for why I'm here. It's because of him."

We follow his finger.

Y/N: "Why me?"

Hazel: "Lady Salem has kept a close eye on you. She knows about the power that was given to you. Because of this she want's you out of the picture."

Y/N: "If she wants me dead,"

I make balls of light surround my fists as my eyes turn silver.

Y/N: "She'll have to kill me herself."

Hazel: "You'll die. Sooner or later."

Y/N: "When that time comes, I'm going out my way."

He narrows his eyes when he snaps his fingers. This makes a portal open up in front of us. Through it walks a lot of bandits then a face that makes my heart sink.

Y/N: "Raven?"

Raven: "Y/N?"

We walk to each other as everyone else fights.

Y/N: "What're you doing here?"

Raven: "I could ask you that. I thought you were dead."

Y/N: "Nope. I was just out training."

I look into her eyes to see a type of pain in them. This is hurting her.

Raven: "I'm really sorry Y/N. I really wish it was someone other than you. Know that this'll hurt me more than it'll hurt you."

I only nod. She delivers an upwards slash that clashes with my metal arm. I grab her blade pulling to the side. I then uppercut her with a ball of light that sends her back. Sliding to a stop she jumps through a portal disappearing from my sight.

I scan the area when something slices open my back. I turn only to see a portal closing. I growl when again my back is cut open. I spin firing a blast of light only for it to hit a pillar. Cut after cit my back is ripped open with blood gushing from my wounds.

Y/N: "No more hiding."

I make my eyes pulse covering the area in light. Everyone groans when I hear the voice of Raven. Looking I see her rubbing her eyes while frantically swinging her sword. I rush in uppercutting her ribs with my metal arm. Through two loud cracks she gasps falling to the ground clutching her ribs. 

Y/N: "One down."

I turn seeing Hazel slamming Nora on the ground like a ragdoll. I fire blasts of light rocketing me towards him. I cup my fists bringing them down on Hazel's back. His face slams onto the ground when he grabs my ankle.

I'm lifted off the ground and swung around. I'm slammed into Ren sending him flying. I'm then tossed to the side. My ribs collide with a pillar letting out three loud cracks. I slowly rise gasping for air. I feel my side and am bombarded with excruciating pain.

Y/N: *gasping* "Yep... they're definitely broken."

Ruby: "Aaagggghhhhh!!!!!"

I look to see a girl with green hair cutting Ruby with her sickles. My anger sky rockets as my eyes feel like they're on fire. I shoot to my feet and limp towards Ruby. But my broken ribs rub against each other sending me to my knee. 

Y/N: "Come on body, work with me."

I look at Ruby to see a boy with silver hair advancing towards her. The world moves in slow motion as he sends his foot at her. My blood boils as flashbacks of Summer play through my head. I grit my teeth as my anger bursts into wrath. 

Y/N: "Get away from her!!!!"

The pain becomes nonexistent as I bolt to Ruby's attacker.

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