Last Light

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The Leviathan roars sending Griffons towards Argus. I narrow my gaze running to the Leviathan's nose. Getting there I make my hand glow and deliver a right hook. The Leviathan's head goes to the side as it also stumbles back. 

It's big eyes land on me as it emits a loud hiss. It swings its claws at its face trying to hit me. I fire blasts through my feet launching me sky high. Above the Leviathan I cup my hands aiming them at the Leviathan.

Y/N: "Have some of this!!!!"

A massive beam of light heads for the Leviathan. It roars sending out a stream of fire. Our attacks collide rocking the entirety of Argus. We each struggle for control. The Leviathan lows making its fire beam gain the advantage.

The citizens of Argus panic as the Leviathan's beam draws closer to me. I grit my teeth before yelling in anger. My attack increases pushing the Leviathan's back. Now within reach of the Leviathan I pour more power into my attack.

Y/N: "Just die!"

As of hearing me the Leviathan twists its body making my attack hit the ocean. Through a twisted smile the Leviathan grabs ahold of me with both hands. It then begins applying pressure. Only a second later it starts getting harder to breathe.

Y/N: "Let... go."

I go to use my power but the Leviathan keeps adding pressure. Soon both of my shoulder pop out of their socket. I scream in agony when my ribs begin cracking. The Leviathan emits a growling chuckle as it just keeps adding pressure.

Suddenly a missile is launched at the Leviathan. It roars dropping me into the ocean. I sink to the bottom. From there I lay broken as the sounds of explosions echo above me. I then think internally.

Y/N: "This ain't good. At this rate I'm gonna be outta power. Damnit, I need a plan."

I then hear an airship zoom by. The last fragment of my power activates itself shooting me towards the surface. Breaching it I see the Leviathan holding airship the others are in.

Y/N: "Let them go!!!"

My body is coated in light as I slam into the Leviathan's stomach. I keep going eventually lifting the Leviathan off the ground. Through sheer willpower I lift the Leviathan high into the air as it lets go of the airship.

Ruby POV

We watch in awe as Y/N lifts the Leviathan high into air. 

Yang: "Where's he going!?"

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N, what're you doing?"

Y/N: "Ending this."

I begin to cry.

Ruby: "Please uncle Y/N, don't do this. I don't wanna lose you."

Y/N: "Don't worry kid. You'll never lose me. No matter what I'll always be with you."



I turn off my earpiece turning back to the Leviathan as we now breach the clouds.

Leviathan: *distorted* "Foolish human! When you pass out I'll survive the fall and wreak havoc!"

Y/N: "Who said you were gonna fall?"

I gather the last of my light and make it encompass me and the Leviathan. We both then begin to crack and fall apart.

Y/N: "Goodbye Ruby."

I smile as the last thing I hear is a massive explosion.

Ruby POV

A giant explosion rings out as light consumes the area. Tears waterfall down my cheek knowing what this means. Yang kneels down as I cling to her.

Ruby: "He's gone Yang, Y/N's gone."

Yang: "I know."

She tightens her grip as her tears finally fall free. The rest of my friends join the hug trying to bring us comfort.


I sit quietly in my seat as we make our way to Atlas. I look at Yang to see her looking down at the floor. I lean back when something pokes my back. Reaching behind me I pull out a feather. Upon closer inspection I notice something, it's a buzzard feather. I grip the feather tightly bringing it to my chest.

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