Bird, Dog And Grimm

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I wake up and perch on Ruby's shoulder. She puts on her cloak and stares at me.

Ruby: "Hey N/N."

I slightly tilt my head, what was with that tone? Is she upset? She walks to the auditorium where we're told a speech by Ozpin. Once it's over I head with Ruby and the others outside to the airships. We're then met by Oobleck.

Yang: "You've gotta be kidding me."

Oobleck: "Yes I shall be the Huntsman you'll be shadowing. Those bags won't be necessary so you're to leave them here. We won't be setting up camp but will be making use of any acceptable place we may come across. Now come along we're already behind schedule."

Yang: "We're doomed."

I squawk raising my wings. We then load up and are flown to the mountain city of Glenn. As soon as we land I notice Ruby's bag moving. I screech catching the attention of everyone.

Oobleck: "Miss Rose why do you still have your bag?"

Ruby: "Because... you hadn't said to listen to you yet."

I peck at the bag.

Ruby: "Come on N/N, cut it out."

Oobleck: "You're not hiding anything in that bag, are you?"

Ruby: "No sir."

As she says that a black and white corgi pokes its head out and barks angerly at me. I hiss as a response. 

Oobleck: "You brought a dog?"

Ruby: "Uh... no?"

Oobleck: *examines dog* "Brilliant! Their sense of smell and hearing far exceeds our own. Meaning this little creature right here is the perfect companion for this mission."

Ruby: *smiles smugly* "I'm brilliant."

We hear a low growl. Looking down the street we're made aware of a Beowolf. 

Ruby: "What do we do Oobleck?"

Oobleck: "Nothing. It hasn't spotted us. So we just sit back and now the pack's here."

Several more Beowolves appear.

Oobleck: "Well kids, show me what you can do."

They withdraw their weapons and head to deal with the Grimm. Meanwhile this dog invades my bubble. It stands on its back legs and nibbles at me. I tilt my head trying to ignore it. It then resorts to barking. As it barks I grit my teeth tighter and tighter as my patience quickly wears down.

After another bark I screech as loud as I can in its face. It stares at me before laying on its front paws with its butt in the air. It then wags its tail clearly wanting to play. It starts barking again. I click my beak with out stretched wings and walk towards it. As expected it yelps running away from me.

Ruby: "Bad N/N. Zwei's not bothering you."

I hiss at Zwei as he lets out a small bark. Later that night I'm still hounded by that damn dog. Growing tired I perch myself in the rafters. He wines while standing before sitting upright. He then moves his front paws up and down.

Y/N: *internally* "That won't work on me."

Oobleck: "That was stellar work today girls. But don't get ahead of yourselves. I'm sure tomorrow won't be as easy. For now situate yourselves and eat your dinners. Once you're done we'll need one of you to take first watch for the night. Any takers?"

Ruby: *raises finger* "I got it."

After eating Ruby takes first watch. As she watches my eyes grow heavy. Pretty soon I fall asleep. After what feels like a few minutes I'm woken up by the voice of Oobleck.

Oobleck: "Get your weapons, miss Rose may need our help."

I take flight to search for her. Spotting a hole I fly down it. Then flying down a tunnel I spot a train being loaded. 

Y/N: *internally* "This can't be good."

I flap my wings to get closer. But the train begins heading down the tracks. I fly alongside the train when it hits a barrier. Flying through the created hole I see Grimm invading the streets of Vale. I land and go help contain the situation.

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