The Road To Haven

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The Petra Gigas brings down its fist. I burst into a buzzard taking to the sky. When I'm above the Petra Gigas I revert to normal. As I come down I make a massive hammer that I bring down on the Petra Gigas.

The hammer chips away some of the rock making the Geist within narrow its eyes. The Petra Gigas then smites me backwards towards the trees. I collide with one snapping it in half. As I approach another one I use my meytal arm to grab the ground sliding to a stop.

Y/N: "Dumb pile of rocks. Let's see you counter this."

My eyes pulse as balls of light coat my fists. They then form into spinning blades. I toss the one on my left hand. It rips up the ground heading for the Petra Gigas. The Petra Gigas runs dodging the first blade.

I flick to the side. The first blade does a hard turn around heading back towards the Petra Gigas. It holds out its arms attempting to catch the blade. My eyes shine again as the blade increases in size.

The blade rips past the Petra Gigas' defenses cutting off its arm. It looks at me with pure hate. The Petra Gigas stomps the ground launching several boulders at me. I duck and weave using my remaining blade to slice the boulders in half.

Y/N: "That the best you got?"

I hold out my left arm and fire blasts of light at the Petra Gigas. Chunks of its boulder body are destroyed as it's pushed back. I cease my attack as the Petra Gigas is barely able to stand. I launch my remaining blade cutting the Petra Gigas in half. When it dies we continue on the hike to Haven.

Ruby: "Okay, we're officially lost."

Jaune: "If memory serves me correctly then the next town should be Shion."

Y/N: "You been there before?"

Jaune: "Lots of times. My family and I vacationed there all the time."

Nora: "Uh guys."

We look up to see Shion in ruin. 

Y/N: "Let's check it out."

We enter the town to see it's far worse. 

Ren: "Over here."

We all join him.

Jaune: "What happened here?"

Man: "Bandits... then the panic brought..."

Ren: "Grimm."

They huddle up while I stay with the man.

Man: "Is this it? The end?"

Y/N: "Fraid so."

Man: "I don't wanna die."

Y/N: "None of us want to. But in the end we all die at some point."

He gets ready to say something but dies.

Y/N: "Guys, he's dead."

They adopt a shocked look while I stand up.

Y/N: "We should get going. It'll be dark soon."

We exit the town and soon arrive at the town of Higanbana. After booking a room the others settle down. A few hours later I hear a voice.

Ruby: "Uncle Y/N."

Y/N: "Yeah kid?"

Ruby: "What was my mom like?"

I slightly smile.

Y/N: "She was truly one of a kind. No matter how much you talked about her she never let it get to her. She'd just turn the other cheek. To me she was the best sister a brother could ever ask for. To everyone else, she was the kindest, most honest woman you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting."

She smiles. She then loses it.

Ruby: "What happened? How did she... die?"

I remain silent for a moment.

Y/N: "She gave her life to protect me. I still don't know why. She was the one with a family. Meanwhile I was the one you could forget even existed. So why pray tell did she throw her life away for someone like me?"

She sits up holding my hand.

Ruby: "Her death made you very sad. You blame yourself it. But you shouldn't ever blame yourself for the choices others make. You don't have to be sad anymore uncle Y/N. Let me help you. Let me take on your pain."

I stare at her before just crying. Ruby wraps me in a tender hug.

Y/N: "I'm just so sad."

Ruby: "I know. Just let it out."

She rubs my back as I continue to cry into the early morning.

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