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The second I reach Beacon I see everything in flames. 

Y/N: *internally* "What the hell happened?"

I fly to the heart of Beacon to see Grimm everywhere. My eyes shine killing them and clearing the area. I then make my way deeper into the school. When I come to the cafeteria I see a male killing innocents.

I fire a blast of light knocking him to the ground. I jump and bring my foot down but he rolls out of the way. He swings his sword cutting open my thigh. I shout in pain when he again swings his sword this time cutting open the side of my chest.

I growl lifting my hand. A rope of light wraps around his ankle then slings him into a broken wall. I walk to him as he opens fire at me. I hold out my hands allowing a thin shield of light to deflect the bullets. 

As I continue to deflect his bullets a stray Beowolf cuts open my back. This breaks my defense allowing the man to come rushing in with his sword sticking out. I catch it with my left hand. The man smiles pushing his sword forward slicing open my hand.

I smile back making him lose his. With his guard down I make a ball of light surround my fist. I then punch the man towards the heavens. When he's high enough I slam my hand onto the ground. 

The man rockets into the ground shattering his aura upon impact. I walk away when I hear clashing on top of Beacon Tower. Riding the elevator I see a flaming fist heading for a badly bruised Ruby. In a flash I move my body putting myself in front of Ruby catching the attack.

Woman: "A hero. Shame this is where you die."

She cranks up the flames which spreads up my arm. However as the flames spread the skin on my arm withers revealing pure metal. This shocks the woman.

Y/N: "Surprise asshole."

I wave her fist away and punch her away with my robotic arm. I look at it as it glows white from the barrage of heat. 

Woman: "How?"

Y/N: "Synthetic skin grafted over a tungsten forged arm. It'll take a lot of heat to melt it."

Woman: "You'll pay for striking me."

She fires a barrage of flaming arrows at me. I shine my eyes destroying the arrows. This also makes the woman scream in pain. That hurt her, good.

Woman: "Die!!!"

I blast myself into the air dodging her fireball. I shine my eyes pushing her back. Landing behind her I backhand her jaw with my robotic arm. A tooth flies out skidding across the floor. Hate and wrath fills her eyes as they both produce a flame. 

Ducking I avoid I right hook. She fixes her miss by kicking my ribs. I squeeze her ankle making it crack. I then slam her onto the ground before pinning her down. Using solely my left arm I punch her face over and over quickly wearing down her aura.

She screams in anger uppercutting my ribs. I'm sent high into the air. I go weightless before beginning to freefall back to earth. I squint seeing that woman sending a storm of arrows at me. I burst into a bird and barrel roll missing her arrows. When I'm a few meters above her I burst back into my human form.

From there I unleash the power of the silver eyes. She hollers like a banshee as the light hits her body. Her high pitched scream echoes throughout Beacon causing the nearby Grimm to howl. I finally let up on her. She coughs out blood before falling onto her back.

Ruby: "Y/N."

I run to her. I then look her over.

Y/N: "I'm here kid. You're definitely beaten up. Let's get you out of here."

I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the evacuation airship. Once she's treated I carry her all the way back to Patch. When I arrive at the house I knock on the door. Only a second later the door opens to reveal Tai. We look at each other not saying a word.

Tai: "Bring her inside."

I nod and carry her into her room. Gently placing her in her bed I exit her room and take a seat on the couch. Tai then sits in the chair in front of me.

Tai: "So... where to start?"

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