On The Road

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I land in the front of a funeral home. Busting out a hole I let myself in. Then after a minute or two I walk inside the morgue.

Y/N: "Alright, now where are you?"

I check each cubby before landing on one with the initials CF. Opening it I see her body.

Y/N: "Hello sunshine."

She faintly opens her eyes.

Woman: "What did... you do to me?"

Y/N: "Answer me. Why did Salem attack Beacon?"

Woman: "It's fall... was critical."

Y/N: "Why?"

Woman: "To complete... the plan."

Y/N: "What plan!? Stop answering in riddles!!"

Woman: "The end... of all life."

I grit my teeth.

Y/N: "What's Salem's next move?"

Woman: "To watch... the world burn."

She laughs only to cough out blood. I snap her neck fully killing her. I then place my hand on her forehead. My eyes shine as flashes of her memory present themselves. The last one is of an academy, but not Beacon. Looking around I see noting but darkness partially covering the area. I then hear a small voice.

Voice: "Haven."

My eyes return to normal as I fly back to Patch. By early morning I land as Qrow gets ready to enter the house. 

Qrow: "You find something?"

I motion for him to follow me. We take a seat in the kitchen.

Qrow: "Well?"

Y/N: "I got a location. Haven."

Qrow: "What's Haven got to do with this?"

Y/N: "No clue. But something tells me it's important."

Qrow: "What're you gonna do?"

Y/N: "Make my way there. Then talk with Lionheart to see if he knows anything about why Beacon was attacked."

Qrow: "When're you leaving?"

Y/N: "Within the week."

We hear a floorboard creak. We both look there to see Zwei panting while looking at us.

Qrow: "What're you doing up so early?"

Zwei: *bark* *bark*

Y/N: "He can't understand you."

Zwei: *growls*

I burst into my buzzard form. As expected he runs yelping with his tail between his legs. I turn back smiling.

Qrow: "You're too mean to that dog."

Y/N: "He started it."

Qrow only rolls his eyes.


I sling my bag over my shoulder. As I get ready to turn into a buzzard JNR arrives for some reason.

Y/N: "What the hell're you guys doing here?"

Jaune: "We came because Ruby said to."

Y/N: *angry* "She did did she?"

The door closes making me turn around. There I see Ruby with a packed bag. Her eyes meet mine making her freeze.

Y/N: "And just where do you think you're going?"

Ruby: *unsure* "With... you?"

Y/N: "No, to all of you."

Ruby: "Come on uncle Y/N. We-"

Y/N: "No. I'm going on a dangerous mission. You'll only get yourself killed."

Ruby: "The same could be said for you."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Ruby: "It's unwise to battle alone. You'll need help."

Y/N: "I can handle myself just fine."

Ruby: "Please uncle Y/N. Let us help you."

Y/N: "No kid."

Ruby: "You said your job was watch over me. Kinda can't do that if you leave."

I open my mouth to say something but stop.

Y/N: "Damnit. Fine, you can join me."

She smiles running to my side.

Y/N: "But if you slow me down even once then I'm taking you back home."

Ruby: "Sure you will."

We begin walking down the road.

Y/N: "That goes for the rest of you too."

JNR: "Yes sir."


I look at the ground as three small rocks lift off the ground.

Y/N: "Heads up."

Right on cue the Petra Gigas jumps off a cliff.

Ruby: "Incoming!!!"

She lands on a tree branch as the Petra Gigas lands in front of us. I sling my arm slicing the Petra Gigas' face with a sword of light. It stomps the ground creating a breeze that blows us back. The others hit a tree while I slide to a stop.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm done playing."

I change my eyes running towards the Petra Gigas.

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