The Lion Of Haven

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After giving me some antivenom we make our way through Haven Academy to find it dead silent.

Nora: "Is it normally this quiet?"

Y/N: "No."

I speed walk to the headmaster's office. Getting there I kick open the door to Leo scream scaring everyone.

Leo: "Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?!"

Y/N: "Where is everyone?"

Leo: "They're out."

Ruby: "Why?"

He adopts a serious look.

Leo: "Come into my office."

We head inside.

Y/N: "Alright, what's this about?"

Leo: "The reason everyone's out is because they're in danger."

He pulls out a scroll. Setting it on his desk we see multiple files be projected.

Leo: "About a month ago a couple of my older students managed to apprehend a man named Arthur Watts. Going through his scroll we found he kept in close contact with a woman named Salem."

I clench my fist.

Ruby: "Salem?"

Ren: "What did they talk about?"

Leo: "After viewing his text logs we found he was sent to keep a close on Y/N."

Y/N: "Why me?"

Leo: "No clue. But seems they really want you."

I think over the situation.

Ruby: "What do we do uncle Y/N?"

Y/N: "What else did you find in Watts' scroll?"

Leo: "That a couple of his friends are leading an assault on Haven."

Jaune: "What? Why would they do that?"

Leo: "They have been tracking your movement. Once they found out your destination they planned on cutting you off here."

Y/N: "How long until they launch their assault?"

Leo: "No clue. Could be hours or days."

Nora: "So we just play the waiting game? This sucks."

Leo: "I'm sorry to tell you all of this. I wish there was more I could do."

Y/N: "It's okay. You just keep an eye out for anything suspicious. If you do see anything then tell us."

Leo: "Will do."

We exit the academy heading back to the house. 

Ruby: "This is just great. We have to wait for our enemy to make the first move."

Y/N: "Easy kid. These things happen."

Jaune: "This waiting isn't good for my nerves."

Y/N: "I understand your nervousness. But for the time being we've gotta wait and just try to relax while doing so."

Nora: "Easier said than done."

Y/N: "Tell you what. How about we play a boardgame? Just to help you kids take your mind off of everything?"

Ren: "It's better than nothing."

Y/N: "I'll go find one. In the meantime why don't you all get showers?"

I leave the living room heading to the closet. Opening the door I see all sorts of things crammed in it.

Y/N: "Look at this. Now how am I supposed to find a boardgame in all this junk?"

I shift through the clutter when I see what's clearly a boardgame.

Y/N: "Bingo."

I grab the box and yank it free. But it barely budges.

Y/N: "Oh come on."

I yank harder. On the second yank I finally pull it free.

Y/N: "Got it."

There's then a low rumble. Looking forward I see the mountain of junk tilting my direction.

Y/N: "Ah crap."

The mountain falls burying me in junk. 

Ruby: *in living room* "What was that?"

Y/N: *under junk* "Nothing."

I stand and shovel everything back in the closet. After a few attempts the door finally closes but rattles violently. I simply walk away ignoring it. Heading back into the living room I set the boardgame on the coffee table. I then look at my very dirty clothes.

Y/N: "Guess I'm overdue for a shower."

I head to the bathroom and fully disrobe. Turning my back to the mirror I see the rose tattoo.

 Turning my back to the mirror I see the rose tattoo

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*ignore the fact it's a woman*

In the seventeen years I've had it it's grown from a simple flower. The more I trained my power the more intricate the tattoo got. I predict that when I've fully masted this power the tattoo will encompass the entirety of my back and parts of my chest. I shake my head clear of thoughts and take my shower.

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