Battle For Mantle

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Ruby POV

Yang: "So what's happening?"

He pulls up a series of cameras. Our hearts then sink.

Nora: "Mantle."

Yang: "Why're the Grimm invading?"

Ironwood: "I don't know. But we need to put a stop to it."

Ruby: "What do we do?"

Ironwood: "Teams RWBY and JNR, you'll be in charge of handling the Grimm. You'll also be fighting alongside the people of Mantle."

Clover: "What about us?"

Ironwood: "Your team will be in charge of handling evacuations. In order to reduce casualties we'll need to evacuate Mantle. Let's get to work people!"

We nod flying off to Mantle. When we arrive we see Grimm tearing everything up. Getting low enough we all divebomb onto the ground.

Ruby: "JNR, you guys split up and take downtown through financial district."

They nod splitting up.

Ruby: "You guys take commercial through uptown."

They all split up leaving me by myself. I turn coming face to face with a pack of Sabyrs. They roar quickening their pace towards me. I smile activating my eyes. A massive beam is sent out scorching the pack to dust. When the light dissipates nothing remains of the pack.

Voice: "Impressive."

Turning I see a pale white woman with red eyes.

Ruby: "Who're you?"

Salem: "You may call me Salem."

My blood begins to boil.

Ruby: "You're the one. The one who took away my mother."

Salem: "I don't recall her. You'll have to describe her."

Ruby: "Her name was Summer Rose."

Salem: "Then that must make you her daughter."

Ruby: "Yeah, Ruby Rose. Daughter of Summer Rose. And niece to the great Y/N L/N."

Salem: "I know Y/N. He was such a promising specimen. It's just a shame he went and killed himself."

I grit my teeth as my eyes feel like they're burning.

Ruby: "Y/N was the best man I've ever known. He spent his life watching over me making sure I was ready for the power he had. Now that I have it I'm gonna use it to kill you."

Salem: *smirks* "You can very well try."

Light surrounds my hands as I explode towards Salem. I deliver a right hook but she simply twists to the side dodging. 

Salem: "Good."

She uppercuts my ribs making me gasp. She then punches my jaw sending me into the side of a building.

Salem: "But nowhere near good enough."

I growl launching myself towards her. I deliver a series of rapid punches. Salem effortlessly dodges them with a smile on her face.

Salem: "This is who the great Y/N gave his power to? A weak child? You're not worthy of such power."

She grabs my throat and chokeslams me onto the ground. She then stomps her heel onto my chest puncturing my shoulder. I scream in pain as she twists her foot driving her heel further into my shoulder.

Salem: "Face it girl. You're vastly inexperienced when it comes to using the light. Give me your power. I can push it past what it's capable of. With it at my fingertips there's nothing I can't do."

Ruby: "The only way you'll get my power, is when you pry it from my cold dead body!!"

Salem: "That can be easily arranged."

She makes a sword. She positions the tip over my heart. Very slowly she inches it closer to my heart. It stops hitting my skin. But Salem applies pressure breaking the skin barrier. I can only scream as she drives the sword deeper and deeper to my heart.

Salem: "I'll admit you've got spirit kid. Just a shame it wasn't enough to beat me."

She drives the sword further making the world go up in light. Looking around I see nothing but blinding light. The hair on my neck then rises hearing a voice.

Voice: "Hello Ruby."

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