Week 1: Iida

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"Ah Midoriya! You were late to classes again. I have your homework laying on your desk, awaiting your return."

Iida sighed into his phone. So far the greenette had been missing for about a week. His mother, Inko was consistently at the police station or worried at home. Sometimes Iida, Bakugo, Uraraka and Tsu would go visit, however none could stay horribly late into the nighttime to comfort the wailing mother.

"We um, we checked in on your mother again--Tsu and I this time--and she isn't holding up too well."

That was an understatement. Inko was holding up horribly. Hardly holding up at all, for a matter of fact.

But Izuku didn't need to know that.

"I hope you are safe wherever you may be, Midoriya. I do hope you are alright."

The call was short. But that was about all that Iida could handle. After Izuku saving him from the Hero Killer, Iida felt he owed Midoriya more than could ever be repaid.

No matter, it still hurt when the greenette up and disappeared without a trace. Inko was just as ill-informed about her son's whereabouts as the teachers were. The students hadn't seen him since last Tuesday. It was Monday of the next week now.

Some UA hero's were assigned extra patrols, Detective Tsukauchi and a few police officers were put on the case as well as Nezu.

But what was interesting about the teen's disappearance was that nothing else was gone from Midoriya's possessions. Just the clothes he was wearing and his phone.

A leading suspicion was that he was warped away by Kurogiri or a separate teleportation quirk user. Cameras were not alerted to have been hacked nor turned off nor put on a loop. And Midoriya was not seen exiting the dorms at any time near midnight nor the weeks before his disappearance. He was simply going through the same notions as everyother day in the dorms.

Until he vanished.

But since his phone was missing, people suspected he ran away. Maybe hero life wasn't for him? Or maybe it was becoming too much to handle?

That was what the press fed civilians.

Anyone who knew or had seen Izuku Midoriya would know that he has the utter drive and perfect mindset to be a hero. Even if he was a bit too selfless at times.

Another funny aspect about Midoriya's phone was that a couple days after his disappearance, any calls connecting to his phone were answered. Yet there would be no reply. No breathing, no tapping, no talking, no noises. But the call would go through to the other side.

It was as if a ghost was answering the phone.

As if someone was playing phone tag with the person on the other side.

Text messages did not go through, however. It was as if the internet was down and the messages couldn't be delivered.

Calls only.

So that was what the class began to do.

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