Week 3: Tsukauchi

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Koga was immediately carted off to Tsukauchi's office where a medic looked him over. 

Unable to treat him or explain all the injuries fully, the medic suspects he had been tortured by a quirk that inflicts injuries on another person. That would explain the welts and bruises and bloodiness. 

The medic and heroes, however, were confused on the sporadic twitching and overall insane personality shift the previously calm and collected Precepts member had. The medic drew a blank. 

Currently Koga is passed out in a holding cell with a blanket and pillow. The medic said once he wakes up, the interrogation can begin. But not until then. 

"Sometimes extreme head trauma can trigger Neurological 'short circuits,' for lack of a better phrase. Since there is no past history of him twitching or having personality shifts." Tsukauchi speaks up. He had gotten a psychology degree when he was still in college, finding the brain fascinating. Said degree also helped him catch more criminals since he could read them better. 

The medic agreed that this could be the case, however no head-wounds were on Koga's head besides minor bruising in some areas. 

"Could it be the effects of another quirk then?" Tsukauchi asked, running his hand down his face. He was stressed out. Any case with a child's death was hard. Especially one that includes a well known, well liked child who had a bright future ahead of him. 

"Criminals are known to work together when a common goal needs to be accomplished. I won't deny it's possible." Aizawa added on, eyes far away as he sat in a chair Tsukauchi had placed in the corner of the room. 

Glancing at his friend and co-worker, Tsukauchi makes a worried face. 

The medic nods once more. "I do think some form of quirks had a role in this whole series of events. Without that nothing adds up. Plus I've never seen welts like the ones on his body before--they don't seem completely natural." 

"So almost definitely the use of a quirk--or quirks." Tsukauchi mulled the idea over, rubbing his jaw. "But who do we know--" Suddenly he forces his mouth shut, clenching his teeth. 

Toshinori, they needed to get Toshinori. He would know for sure if the hidden mastermind was truly...him. 

The medic sighed. "I am truly at a loss. I treated all the cuts and wounds that weren't quirk-induced..." 

"Thank you." Tsukauchi says to the medic. 

The medic waved the thanks off. 

Tsukauchi turned to Aizawa, who was still staring off. "I'm going to call a few people down to the station. Do you have anyone you would like to call to help with the case?" 

They needed fresh eyes, preferably ones that could have further intel about what all was happening as the case didn't add up whatsoever. 

"I should call Mrs. Midoriya and inform Nezu..." He whispered, more to himself than Tsukauchi. "Nezu will probably come down to help the case."

The detective sighed, watching his friend go on auto drive. But he couldn't find it in himself to blame Aizawa. 

Afterall, Oboro's death was still fresh. Oboro had died and no one could save him in time. 

The parallels were noticeable. 

And Tsukauchi knew, after having experienced everything the first time as well, that Aizawa simply needed alone time. And Aizawa would get that as soon as the case is over. 


Tsukauchi and Nezu were in the interrogation room with the now awake Koga. 

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