Week 2: Todoroki

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It took a little over one ring for Midoriya's phone to answer the call. Todoroki welcomed the click signaling the accepted call.

"Midoriya." He greeted.

That's it. That was all he had planned.

He stayed in his head for a while, thinking about the words that could potentially spill out of his mouth. He thought back to Bakugo yelling that Midoriya was simply "visiting" his father who was in town. All the students and Aizawa knew how hard it must be for Bakugo to wrap his head around his childhood friend going missing so abruptly. No wonder the loud blonde was willing to believe a theory that had no solid evidence.

Todoroki had heard a call between Aizawa and Inko Midoriya asking about Izuku's father. Allegedly, Midoriya's father was still overseas. But there had been no communication between the two in over ten years. Anything could have happened since then.

"All Might is still here," Todoroki began speaking again after a few minutes of silence. "Bakugo said you were visiting your father. If that was so, then you could still be at UA."

Yes, Todoroki is still a firm believer that Midoriya is a secret love child.

It explains the lame excuse of his father working overseas.

Todoroki thought back to how All Might had been acting strange, more frantic even. Everyday Midoriya was gone, the staff became increasingly worried. But All Might was beyond worried. Even though he was retired, he was found waist deep in the case.

"I wish my father would drown." Came Todoroki's second thought. As a fire-quirked person, his father would naturally fear mass amounts of water. Todoroki was never allowed to go on a cruise ship with any of his family because of this.

"When you come back, I'm paying for a cruise." Todoroki awkwardly states, shifting in his seat. "Iida can go too." There was a sigh.

"Invite anyone. But you have to come back first. I'm making you promise to help drown my father."

Todoroki didn't talk much, but when he did, his words mostly included the middle sentences of his raging thoughts. Or offhanded comments.

That's why he found himself in so much trouble. He would end up saying something seemingly random or standoff-ish without explaining his thought process leading up to the conclusions he makes.

It was a mental disconnect derived from years of being forced away from social situations.

Similarly, Midoriya seemed to understand though. As a fellow introvert, Midoriya understood his abstract thought process better than any extrovert could dream of.

Midoriya was built for understanding people. For analyzing people.

"I got into a hero forum. I was able to find data on the League's current movements. Ever since three weeks ago, they have been relatively under the radar." What else did he find? He remembered seeing something else that caught his attention before he got kicked out of the forum.

"Oh. A main member and leader of the Eight Precepts managed to escape Tartarus Prison early last month."

It was weird timing for the Precept member to suddenly find a way out of the prison, especially without Overhaul's help.

Then again Overhaul had no hands anymore so he was useless in the sense of quirk aid.

Todoroki shrugged off the information. Afterall, he had already told Aizawa of all he found earlier. He had been practically interrogated for all information he had dug up already.

Somehow Aizawa knew what he did.

"Aizawa always knows." He said ominously.

Shaking out of his thoughts for what seemed like the fifth time that night, Todoroki turned back to his phone and looked at the screen. He had been on this call for almost twenty minutes.

"I expect you to come back for the cruise. Good night, Midoriya."

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