Week 3: Tsu

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It had been another one of those nights. The ones filled with nightmares of USJ. She was only a third party watching herself, along with Midoriya, being unaware of the looming hands of a silent Shigarki who had managed to sneak up on them.

She watched as they screamed and decayed into clumps of blood and dust.

When she managed to break out of the nightmare's grips, she entered reality to the sounds of her sobs and heavy breathing.

She had thought she was doing better, though clearly she was not. Nightmares don't simply just go away. At least hers didn't. She let her gaze wonder around the room, searching to ensure she was alone. The room was dark, but nothing was out of place. No one was there.

Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. Her shaky hands then reached out to get her phone from the bedside table.

She knew Midoriya was gone. And it hurt. She had heard the heros working diligently, and recently Aizawa had been absent from class more than he was teaching. It was obvious that everyone was bustling about UA in an attempt to gather data about the mysterious kidnapping.

She, along with every other UA student was not allowed to touch the case with a ten foot pole. Their reckless personalities and determination to find their friend was coursing through their veins. They were itching to blatantly ignore the Hero's warnings and search Japan.

But they did realize the severity of the situation. And they wouldn't dare do anything that might hurt Midoriya more.

That meant they had begun to seek out any means possibly to hold their thoughts and positivity together. They needed reassurance. They were only teenagers afterall. The whole event was scary.  This reassurance had been found in the form of phone calls.

Of course they weren't silly enough to bank on gathering information on the calls. But it was overall reassuring to understand that even though Midoriya didn't--or couldn't--talk, his phone calls were answered. Not to mention the pros had monitored the phones for a bit to ensure that the calls were not tampered with. They had cleared any ideas of someone besides Midoriya on the other side of the phone. It would be illogical and stupid to just tamper so much with the greenette's phone only to listen in. Nevertheless, the UA staff had broadcasted that no classified UA information would be leaked or discussed--including information that was not in the syllabus or student pamphlet.

Tsu knew she was slowly becoming dependant on these calls in the middle of the night, just as she had become dependant on the comforting tone of Midoriya's reassuring words in the middle of the night shortly after USJ.  He had helped her through many nightmares, reassuring her that he was alive, she was alive, and everyone was safe.

He would rub her back too and let her sleep on the bed when her emotions sucked the energy out of her in the middle of the night. Then once he knew she was asleep, he would give her personal space and either sleep on the Common Room's couch or the floor besides the bed. Both depended on the intensity of Tsu's nightmares and if he thought she was well enough to be alone.

Tsu wasted no time in using her hands to dial Midoriya's number. The call rang softly through the air once.


A third time....

And then it shut off.

Tsu felt her blood turn to ice, a sense of coldness enveloped her body as she stared at the home screen of her phone.

Maybe...someone else was calling Midoriya at the same time.

Tsu looked at the time. 4:57. The dorms weren't quiet to her ears. That didn't mean someone on a different floor wasn't calling, however she, along with everyone else from Class 1A, had never had this problem occur before.

It made her shaking worse. The situation felt...off somehow.

She paused for a moment. Maybe I misunderstood the situation. Dialing again, she held her phone with tremoring hands. The call rang out once...then twice...and again a third time...before saying the number could not be reached.

She froze.

This had certainly never happened before...

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