Week 3: Aoyama

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Aoyama attempted to stay cheerful even though he knew the facts were not leading to good inferences about Midoriya's current state. It had been a couple of days since their small group had informed Aizawa of the change--of the unanswered calls.

Nevertheless, their homeroom teacher stood well on his word, and early this morning, left for an "unknown mission."

Aoyama, a truly fabulous detective, knew something was awry. Nevertheless he deemed the forever exhausted teacher adieu.

It was a Thursday, and statistically most crimes did not occur on Thursdays. Aoyama did not remember where he read that fact, but he deemed his random bouts of knowledge as magnifique.

Looking around the third period block, Aoyama noticed the abnormally despondent faces of the class. Mostly the individuals that phoned Midoriya fairly often.

Ils savent qu’il n’a pas répondu.

Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, Kaminari, Koda and even the less sparkly Bakugo seemed downcast, with expensive bags practically tattooed under their eyes.

Aoyama shuttered, rubbing his smooth fingers under his eyes. He was glad he remembered to apply a face mask last night, it had helped him push down his growing anxiety.

His head and neck twitched involuntarily, as if his anxiety was mocking him.

Vous pensez vraiment que vous pouvez vous cacher de la réalité?

No, he could never truly hide from the horrid darkness of the events currently happening. But sometimes his efforts could calm his anxiety down some.

He slowly turned his head back to the front, legs itching to bounce.

He watched as the clock slowly ticked away. Present Mic had finished his lecture long ago, allowing free-time within the classroom.

Almost three quarters through the period, Present Mic clears his throat. "So I'm sure you all are at least aware of Aizawa's absence." He began, voice steady as he also glances at the clock.

A couple people shifting and readjusting themselves within their seats is heard in the quiet classroom.

Aoyama wrinkles his nose as someone from the back coughs.

"So uhm, as you probably know, Aizawa is on a mission. And currently he is in the middle of it, so I have clearance from Nezu to tell you..." He took a deep breath in. "Okay, Little Listeners, I want you to hear what I am going to say and stay calm until I finish." He tapped one of his feet on the floor.

Aoyama felt a fresh wave of anxiety ripple down his spine as spiders crawl at the pit of his stomach. He shoots a quick glance over at Mina who was biting her nails.

He would have gagged at the thought of biting ones nails if not for his raging anxiety. Nevertheless, his face twitched into a scrunched up position for a split second before he turned back to Mic.

Mina was also fretting, afterall.

"Late last night, Nezu was able to find the location of Midoriya's phone. So this morning a team of heros all went out to investigate and bring back anything they find..." Mic's brow furrowed and he clasped his hands together in his lap.

The class was quiet, though a few people breathed out a sigh of relief and whispered of finally finding Midoriya rang through the air.

Aoyama just watched as Mic withered slightly, under the obvious hope the class had.

Under the dazzling glimmer of hopefully finding their best friend and classmate.

Aoyama swallowed thickly, just as Mic spoke up once more, cutting through the whispers like a knife.

"I'm sure some of you know, the calls have stopped--Midoriya's phone does not pick up calls..." Mid trails off, letting his words sink in before shaking his head and talking faster. "The situation does not seem to look good...almost three weeks of being kidnapped and going through conditions that are probably not...yeah. We just want you to know that the situation isn't looking the best, and I know you all wish for Midoriya's return...and I really hope he returns, but please please please," It was almost as if Present Mic was begging the class, remembering a situation similar to this, "please don't continue to blame yourselves for not being able to save him." Mic's voice cracked and the class watched as tears broke free and ran down his face.

Iida took his eyes of Mic first, and looked down at the textbook in front of him. The knowledge displayed in it seemed so old, so useless right now.

Mina let out a shallow breathe, attempting to reign in her emotions.

Bakugo, not wanting anyone to see his face, turned his gaze to the window and stared outside. Todoroki followed pursuit.

Tsu slowly crossed her arms on the desk and laid her head down. Uraraka asked to be excuses from the room, and went to the bathroom.

Ojiro and Shoji also began to rest on their desks, heads down. Kaminari began to draw, his hands shaking as he attempted to get his mind emptied. His pencil lead broke within minutes of being used to draw on paper, guided my his shaky hand.

Aoyama continued to look at a quietly crying Present Mic. The adult had clearly gone through a similar experience. Aoyama knew this because the last but of advice was morseo for himself than to the class.

Tears shine as they fall from the eyes.

Aoyama felt sick, so he wrapped his arms around his stomach, leaning forward to anchor himself. His head touched the cool, wooden desk as his mind raced.

Mon Ami, hold on until the heros come.

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