Week 3: Jiro and Momo

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At first, Jiro was hesitant. Afterall, it seemed to be weird to call someone who doesn't actively talk back through the phone. Not to mention that said person has been missing for three weeks now.

Midoriya had been missing for over half a month and everyone had been impacted in one way or another. Especially class 1A, especially their teachers.

But due to Jiro's quirk, she was prone to accidentally overhearing people in the dark, quiet hours of the night time. Usually this doesn't impact her, but the calls to Midoriya seemed to begin sometime after dinner and, depending on who called, would last until the next morning.

That meant that Jiro couldn't sleep when the calls continued. With devices, she could always seem to hear the high pitched hum when a call was being accepted. She could practically hear the air hitting the phone from the other side of the screen too.

It was an annoying sound, but it clued her in on to what was happening.

Midoriya at least had his phone, but he couldn't contact anyone directly. That meant that people could call him, but he either couldn't answer verbally, or his side was permanently muted.

Either way, at least she established that Midoriya was in fact listening in.

That meant anything the says on the calls, he will hear. But she has to be careful because someone might have bugged the phone to track all calls and messages sent to his hijacked number.

She decided to enlist the perspective and brains of her close friend, Momo. Together they were both sitting on Momo's bed and discussing the pros and cons of calling Midoriya's phone.

"I don't see many cons as long as we don't reveal any information regarding what we know about his case and whereabouts." Momo said, posture laxed yet graceful as she sat amongst a hoard of insanely soft, feathered pillows. "That way even if the phone is monitored, they can't gather any intel."

Jiro nodded, one hand propped under her head and the other playing with her earlobe. "Ah, gotcha."

"Besides, I know Uraraka and Tsu have called him." Momo added, remembering how when she had walked by their doors a few nights ago they were together and reminiscing over the phone.

"A good chunk of the class has been calling him. I can hear their stupid phones dial in as soon as dinner seems to end." Jiro complained, falling back on the bed witha groan. 

There was a few moments of silence before Momo shifted to grab her phone. "So does that mean we want to call now?"

"I wouldn't know what to say. We barely knew him and we weren't that close." Jiro muttered, ever the pessimist.

"Nonsense, we know him very well, you just have a hard time remembering the goofy moments." Momo flicked her hand at her friend as if pushing away the musician's thoughts. Then she dialed Midoriya's number.

Like the same as everyone else's calls, the phone was accepted at the second ring.

Jiro sucked in a breath as she sat up and crawled closer to the phone and Momo. They sat next to each other on the hoard of pillows, phone between them.

"Hello, Midoriya." Momo greeted softly.

After glancing at Jiro and nudging her arm softly, Jiro spoke up as well. "Hey, Midoriya."

"We did not plan on what to converse about, however I'm sure some others have already informed you of the work and training regimines Mr. Aizawa has assigned us..." Momo faltered, her mind was going a mile a minute, causing her train of thought to vanish.

Jiro watched her friend's eyes go wide as every thought on the topic she had internally mapped out, dispersed.

"Mineta fell down the staircase yesterday." Jiro blurted out the first thing that came into her mind. "Ojiro accidentally sent the guy flying with his tail. It was actually quite funny. They're both fine now though." She clarified, knowing Midoriya would worry if he was left to ponder his classmates safety.

Momo began laughing at the randomness of the story. Her voice echoed slightly in the small dorm room.

"Sorry, I'm trying to think of what else happened this year that was somewhat interesting." Jiro's blatant statements caused Momo to laugh even harder, falling back and almost hitting her head on the bed post.

"Aizawa spilled his coffee on Vlad this morning. He had walked into 1A, mug in hand and Vlad was right on his heels. But Aizawa apparently forgot something and whipped around only for his coffee to flip out and spill directly onto Vald from the fast movements." Remembering the comical scenario brought a smile to Jiro's face even though Vlad's colorful language was in the form of loud yells, hurting her ears.

"Oh! I remember one from way earlier this year! Remmeber when Sato fell asleep in a free class and Kaminari was debating on whether they should wake him or not. In the end, he had gathered his whole friend group who were somehow able to convince Koda into grabbing his bunny. So by the end of the period, Koda was in the midst of about a fourth the class, holding up his pet bunny. The rest were lying down at his feet as if worshiping a statue. And then before the bell rang, Kaminari just blasted the Lion King Playlist--"

"Oh my gosh, I remember that one! Sato was completely and utterly confused when he woke up. Not to mention the lightning idiot also got in trouble with Aizawa for setting the whole thing up." Jiro scoffed, before laughing at Kaminari's expense.

The girls reminisced for a few more minutes before calming down. The room stretched on with silence for a few moments.

"Not much has been happening recently. No one has the energy to goof off." Jiro admits, feeling more comfortable talking into the silent phone.

"Everyone has been in a daze since you went missing, Midoriya. Everyday we are reminded that one of our close friends has been ki-kidnapped and it's hard to attempt to continue as if nothing happened." Momo said, feeling the weight and pressure of those raging thoughts lift off her shoulders. Her eyes were still teary as she spoke. She sniffed slightly, in an attempt to regain her barings, even though it was futile in the end.

As the Vice President of class 1A, she was in charge of everything Iida couldn't handle. And since Iida was very close to Midoriya, when the greenette went missing, Iida began fumbling to find the willpower to continue with his strict schedule and work.

Midoriya had been the first President for Class 1A, yet he believed Iida would fit the role better. The humble act of exchanging with Iida caused the engine-quirked teen to think about the difference between goodwill and kindness.

Midoriya was kind, and his actions displayed that.

Iida, before his realization, would confuse genuine kindness with impulsive goodwill. Iida learned a lot from Izuku. The class learned from each other.

"I can't wait for you to come back. And I'm not just saying that for show," Jiro threatened through the phone. "We all miss you. Everyone does. And I know its been a while, but you gotta stay strong until we find you, 'kay?" Jiro left the question hanging.

With tears interrupting her vision, Momo spoke up one last time. "Please, stay safe Midoriya."

Then she ended the call.

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