Week 2: Tsu

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She was bored, she was tired, she was alone.

The story of Class 1A included solitude for the most part. A group of teens who used to be extroverted and outgoing to the nth degree were now secluding themselves from the rest of UA unknowingly.

But Tsu was slightly worse off. Midoriya and her had been close, USJ had bonded them together on more levels than one. They were each others emotional support after Shigaraki had attempted to kill them "off his server." Whatever gaming terminology that is.

She hadn't been able to sleep well since Midoriya's absence. She had deep purple bags under her eyes and her skin seemed more pasty than healthy.

It felt as if Midoriya had actually been killed in the USJ attack.

The event had clouded her mind while she dreamed. What if Izuku Midoriya had been killed in USJ? Would the pain feel worse than it is now?

Tsu thinks the pain felt worse now, but she tried to push down the "what ifs."

Afterall, thinking won't help the situation.

Todoroki had been doing enough thinking for the whole group, and Tsu was too exhausted. She was barely hanging on as is.

She had called her siblings and parents last night to check in on them. There was no alternative reason behind the call besides Tsu missing her parents hugs. She wanted to be held again.

Like the brotherly hug Izuku gave her to calm down her nightmares.

This is all a nightmare. If Tsu just wakes up, then she feels Izuku would come back.

She would bolt from her bed in a cold sweat and make her way to Midoriya's room. Then he would hug her and rub her back, parroting that whatever she had imagined was a dream.

But this wasn't a dream.

It wasn't a nightmare either.

It is the present.

It is real life.

And Izuku Midoriya is gone.

Sighing shakily, she got up and walked across the room. Her phone was charging in a station perpendicular to her bed. She unplugged it before picking it up and walking back to her bed.

She had memorized Midoriya's number. Not to mention he was on speed dial in case she had a panic attack.

Nonetheless the phone rang aloud before connecting to Mjdoriyas.

With a final click, the call began.

"Group resting time, that's what this is, okay? Kero."

Tsu felt the air around herself. She set her phone down carefully on her pillow before pulling the covers over herself and getting comfy.

"...I think the silence is calm, kero...you make the silence calm, even though you're so far away right now. It's like a hug, but though the connections of wires and air and space. Kero."

Yawning, Tsu continued to get comfy. "I hope you sleep well."

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