Week 1: Tsu

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"Kero. It's been a few days since last time I called." Tsu began, naisally voice sounding downtrodden. "I know it hasn't even been two weeks yet but class feels odd now. Kero."

There was an aching silence on the line.

A feeling of longing between the two.

Class 1A was currently incomplete with it's 20th member absent. The desk behind Bakugo was enough to put an elephant in the room from the time class began and ended. The dorms were no better with an empty space.

But when Izuku was still around, he always had an open door policy for his room. All you had to do was knock after you had a nightmare, and he would open up his door, ready to comfort anyone.

After USJ, Tsu had begun having quite a few nightmares regarding Tomura Shigaraki and his decaying hands. Midoriya would always comfort her when she felt alone and scared in the depths of nighttime.

"I don't know why--kero--but when I put my phone on my pillow next to me, the static feels comforting. I feel like I know you are on the other end, kero. Just listening."

Izuku didn't talk much, he had severe social anxiety. That much was obvious from Midnight's public speech training sessions. She said she would give all of Class 1A a confidence boost so they could handle the press.

It worked for the extroverts. Yet the introverts didn't seem to benefit from the whole ordeal. If anything, it just made Midoriya even more nervous. Tsu chuckled bitterly at the memory.

"You are here, kero. I can sense you."

It might have been the sleep deprivation or the desire not to be alone while she has an inevitable nightmare about the League of Villains, however she swore she could feel the calming aura Izuku emitted around himself.

And she would bask in the only source of comfort she had that wasn't left at home.

"I don't think I'm going to hang up just yet, kero." Tsu whispered.

She decided to fall asleep as is, with her phone on and call going as she dangled into the abyss of a dreamscape.

That night was the first night since Izuku went missing, that she didn't have a nightmare. And when she woke up refreshed and ready to start her morning eight hours and thirty two minutes later, she saw the call was still on.

She smiled at the phone, whispering a small "thank you, Midoriya" to the other side.

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