Week 2: Kirishima

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He was hesitant to call, but within the first few seconds, he felt safe calmly talking through the phone.

"...hey, man. It's uh, its been a while, ey?" He laughed softly into the phone before sobering up slightly. "I heard Bakugo calling you through the door a few nights ago...I dunno man, I thought I would try it out." He admits.

Bakugo wasn't the quietest person in the dorms. And Kirishima hardly ever closed his door all the way. More often than not, his door was at least open a crack to let in a small breeze. So when Bakugo passed his room mumbling about calling Midoriya, Kirishima had heard.

He had also heard some of the deep mumbling of the call through the wall without even trying to eavesdrop. The morning after the call, Bakugo had slept in longer than usual. But when he did wake up, he seemed slightly more at peace. Though the peacefulness was merely a fraction.

Kirishima also wanted to talk to Midoriya. He knew Midoriya probably wouldn't respond since Aizawa stated he was kidnapped, however from what Todoroki said, Midoriya does answer the calls.

And he did.

"I know I can't one hundred percent say that you're on the other end of the phone--or if you're alone for that matter. But you have the same open presence even through the call..." Kirishima noted.

Even though Midoriya was a hard-core introvert, he seemed to have a unjudging and caring presence. Not to mention he didn't ever want anything in return. Friendship seemed to be all that mattered to the greenette. And no one in class 1A took advantage of his kindness.

Sure Kaminari sometimes asked to copy homework questions. And sometimes Sato wanted a cooking buddy. Urarka always loved to train with Midoriya as well. But they made sure to let Midoriya know it was okay to refuse sometimes.

They tried to teach him that kindness wasn't supposed to tire you out. It was not selfish for him to take time for himself. And apparently Midoriya had never known that before UA. So the class made sure that he could recharge and still maintain a healthy friendship with peers.

Like all other classmates, they were a unit now. Having lived through multiple villain attacks as well as rooming in the dorms together, all of them knew each other extremely well.

If Kaminari was beginning to short circuit more, someone would play calming music and grab him a weighted blanket.

If Koda was getting anxious, someone would go run to he dorms and grab his bunny or a stuffed animal to hold onto.

If Bakugo's palms started sparking uncontrollably, they stopped prodding at him and let him calm down his emotions before wrapping and treating his welting hands.

The class is a unit. And everyone cared for each others mental states and physical states. Afterall, heros had to help each other.

"We miss you dude, its not the same without you here...wait you probably hear that a lot in these phone calls." Kirishima looked up at his Crimson Riot Poster that was situated in front of his bed.

He didn't know what to say through the phone. There was too much, yet so little to talk about. Kirishima settled on reminiscing over a memory. "Remember when we trained together that one time after hours. I practically pulled you out of the dorms at three in the morning. And bro, you were exhausted. But you were excited too."

Kirishima smiled to himself. "We snuck into ground Beta and basically I helped you with your form and you helped with strengthening and stamina--wait wait wait! How did you know so much then? Like I know we were in UA for about four months but dude you knew way more advanced stuff that we are just now being taught! You must have researched a lot to get stronger. Yo, that's so manly!"

After his small tangent, Kirishima trailed off. He thought back towards the beginning of the school year, searching for more fun memories.

"You broke a punching bag once in training because Bakugo sneezed from across the room and it scared you enough to activate your quirk mid-punch." He laughed at the memory of the class laughing at Bakugo screaming at Midoriya for disrupting training even though Bakugo's bomblike sneeze literally heated up all the air particles within ten feet of him.

That day, All Might had been laughing so hard that he couldn't even teach anymore. Even Aizawa had cracked a small grin at how everything went down.

It was one of the best days of the year so far.

Looking back, a sense of nostalgia took over Kirishima. Would classes ever be the same? Would 1A ever be the same?

As long as Midoriya is gone, nothing will be the same. That was for sure. But if Midoriya is found, what makes everyone so positive that life will become normal once again?

Kirishima felt chills creeping up his spine at the thought. Mood slightly dampened, he whispered determinedly into the phone. "Dont worry, Midoriya, we will save you."

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