Week 2: Kaminari

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This was the first time he was going to call Midoriya. He dialed in with confidence but by the time the phone began to ring, he felt hesitant.

Eventually the phone accepted the call.

"Hey, dude! I um, I heard your squad talking about calling you. So I thought--yeah I thought I would give it a try."

The one sided conversation felt awkward to Kaminari. It felt unnatural. Usually the blonde teen didn't answer his texts for weeks on end, much less call anyone.

He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his scalp. "I don't know what to talk about...."

He paused and thought for a minute, brain running high on caffeine yet slow at the same time.

"Ah! Remember that time where Mina got you to drink a Monster? Dude you were so hyper and mumbly! It was all fun until you completely crashed and no one could figure out how to play off your sugar rush...Mina, Kiri, and I got our ears ripped off by Aizawa that night."

He shivered, remembering his teacher's red glare and intense aura.

He had almost peed himself that day.


"Our homeroom teacher is scary." He stared at his wall for a moment before thinking of another memory. "Remember when it was Sato's birthday and so he was absent? While Sato was celebrating with family, Iida had us baking that Strawberry cake with Buttercream icing. But then he put Koda in charge of the oven--poor dude didn't know how to work it. I remember the cake was so dang burnt that you couldn't chop it with a chainsaw..." Kaminari brought the phone closer to his face before whispering. "I'mma tell you a secret. The cake went missing, right? Right. Well that was because...I know a guy with a chainsaw. And I wanted to test how rock hard the cake was. Dude, you'll never believe--the chainsaw couldn't cut through it at first! It took about ten tries and the right angle for it to slice the cake! I dunno what we put in it, but man, those ingredients were gnarly."

He was leaning back, clutching his stomach in laugher. His voice was back to it's normal projecting volume.

"Thanks for making another cake with Shoji though, you both were lightsabers. Wait that's the right word, right? Wait no. Light-saber--light-saver--light save--ligh--life! Life saver! Boom, I know words, thank you." Kaminari struggled, but overcame his...slight conundrum.

"I think Imma try to be a dictionary when I'm older. I'm so smart! And talented! Oh yeah, screw being a hero, Dictionary Zippity Zappity, ZipZap at your service." After laughing once more, he settled down, feeling more hollow than before.

There was silence for what felt like an hour before Kaminari spoke again.

"Ya'know man, I like that I can call you, but I'd really like to hear your laugher right about now."

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