Week 2: Iida

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"--concludes Aizawa's new training regimine for us!" Iida finished with faux enthusiasm. He had been on the call, explaining Aizawa's teaching methods in a fashion Midoriya could explain, replicate, and modify to do wherever he was at.

He paused, feeling the sudden weight of silence on his shoulders. He continued to pace around the room, the only sounds were his feet shuffling on the wood.

Slowly, he made his way to his desk. He set the phone down, and began sitting on his chair. He slowly lowered his head to rest upon a mass of papers crowding his messy workspace.

"I keep hoping you will arrive back at the dorms at any moment. But you never seem to come. It's slowly becoming more and more evident that you are gone." Iida let out a shaky breath and silence filled the dark room.

"Aizawa relayed that the shoeprints in your room didn't match your red pair. He also said that it was approximately three sizes too large to be your foot. That means...you didn't leave."

Iida could hear his tears falling onto his already crumpled up homework.

Tears were slowly sliding down his angular face as he tried to hold back his sobs.

"Someone took Midoriya," he whispered to himself before realizing he was on the call. "Someone took you. And it was from right under our faces."

His shoulders were shaking as he leaned to against his desk. He presses his face into the papers, hearing as they shift under his face.

"We could have helped--we could have don-done better. Protect--we could h-," he hiccuped, "-ave protected yo-u."

Iida remembered his dreams last night. After passing out once he reached the dorms, he had relived how Midoriya and Todoroki saved him from Stain. His friends had saved him.

In contrast, he felt as if he had failed them.

Midoriya was in danger, all the heros were working diligently to find the teen, especially after the new evidence had been detected. Yet Iida and the rest of the class had been told to refrain from inserting themselves into the case.

Iida felt useless.

He sobbed harder, salty tears beginning to pool on the desk.

Suddenly the door clicked open, yet Iida didn't even hear the harsh steps on the floor. He did however hear the gruff voice talking to him and the hand on his shirt collar, pulling him up.

"Idiot, you missed dinner." The voice of Bakugo entered the room. The blonde practically yanked the sobbing teen off his chair and pushed him towards the door.

Looking around the room slightly, Bakugo spotted the phone. Iida was on a call?

He grabbed the phone from beside the puddle of tears. Bakugo wrinkled his nose at the stained homework.

He checked the contact that Iida was calling.

"Deku," he whispered, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.  Iida was calling Deku's phone? Was Deku answering his calls?

Bakugo, still experiencing shock, pressed "End Call" and threw the phone on Iida's bed. He would find out what the heck Iida was doing later, but right now he needed to kick the taller teen's butt for skipping dinner.

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