Week 2: Bakugo

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After Iida had been practically force-fed leftover dinner and tucked into bed, Bakugo moved on to his own room.

When passing Uraraka's room, he had similarly heard sobbing. Annoyed, he backtracked into Tsu's room, grabbed the sleepy frog from her desk and transported her to help Uraraka.

On his way back to his own room, he was grumbling up a storm. "Stupid Deku leaving his stupid extras to the only competent person in the stupid dorms."

Annoyed and exasperated, he stomps to his dorm, mind running a mile a minute. As soon as he closes and locks his door, he slides to the floor. Pulling out his phone from his short's pockets, he stares at the screen. Contrary to popular belief, it was a plain orange color. Since he hardly used it, he felt no need to customize it. The most important items on there was his music apps and contacts. Other than that, he mainly looked up new training regimines and techniques.

Research to become the best number one hero.

But that ambition seemed so far away now.

Slowly, in a daze, Bakugo slid his fingers across the screen. He reached his contacts and clicked.

There were three starred contacts labeled "favorites." He blankly looked down at the names.


Old Hag.


He had gotten his phone at a double digit age. He was twelve when his parents started having to go to more intense and long buisness trips, so he was often left alone in the house as they traveled.

No child wanted to sit and watch their parents talk about boring buisness opportunities.

So Bakugo opted to stay home on the rules that he had to have everyone's phone number, including Inko and Izuku's. Another rule was that Inko and Izuku were to eat diner with Bakugo at Mitsuki's house.

That way they could check on the explosive tween to make sure the house didn't burn down.

So Bakugo had kept Deku's number for a long time.

Is Deku answering their calls though? Glasses was calling him? If Deku was answering, he would have said something verbal when Bakugo entered the room, not to mention he would have tried to calm down the crying class president. But Deku had clearly answered the call. Or at least his phone has... That means that his phone is clearly working. It could mean that Deku is on the other side, but cannot answer. Or it could mean someone is eavesdropping. But why would they eavesdrop on a bunch of UA kids calling Deku? That doesn't make sense.

Vowing to set the calls straight, Bakugo hits Deku's contact number and starts to call the greenette.

Within the first three rings, the call is accepted. Running headfirst into the conversation, Bakugo begins speaking.

"What the hell, Deku? You've been gone for two weeks and I'm just now knowing you answer the dang phone? But you don't talk back. Glasses was having a freaking mental breakdown and so was Floaty."

Slowing down, Bakugo realizes he doesn't know what to say.

"Deku..." Bakugo, after building up the courage to call Deku, he felt an overwhelming pressure to want his childhood friend back in his life.

After spending practically all of their lives in the same town, the same school, Bakugo realizes just how much he depends on the greenette.

He has already apologized for the past and was attempting to make up she shattered pieces of their friendship that he could, however it would take time.

Nonetheless, he doesn't know how to get the greenette back. And he felt utterly helpless calling Deku's number only to not recieve a response.

To not know anything that's happening.

He begins feeling overwhelmed and overheated. His face feels hot as tears start to well up. He attempts to push down his emotions, yet it ends in vain.

He gulps before continuing. "Deku...how do you plan to become a great hero if you're not h-ere?" His voice was thick with sadness, cracking at the end.

Slowly Bakugo felt his angry facade breaking ever so slowly.

One contant presence in his life was ripped away like a large badge off of a jacket. It left a big hole that couldn't possibly be sown.

Deku had always been around, Bakugo had never really grasped that one day he wouldn't, even after all his middle school taunting.

That night, Bakugo felt more of Deku's disappearance settle in, landing as a weight on his shoulders. By morning he woke up, having ended up sleeping on the floor, phone in hand. His neck and back were aching. His arm that was under him was numb as well as his leg.

And the call to Deku was still running.

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