Week 2: Uraraka

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"De--Deku? I know this is like the thirtieth time I've called," she hiccuped, tears running down her cheeks, "this week. But Aiz--Mr. Aizawa said that there were only--yeah only two possibilities of who took you." Her breathing was more like gasping as she attempted to refrain from sobbing herself into fainting.

She was so worried for her friend.

It has been almost three weeks and only small amounts of information have been discovered.

"I remember Todoroki had gotten--he had snuck on a hero forum and saw that one of the Eight Pr-Precept leaders escaped Tartarus. You remember...right? Aizawa informed us today--he has a teleportation quirk too." Uraraka couldn't breathe. The air felt thick, heavy. It was as if the pressure inside the room was pushing on her shoulders, crushing her lungs. Uraraka couldn't breathe. She couldn't stop her tears.  "A-a-and the other person who could have--could have tak-taken you is the one warper--Kurogiri. Fr-from the League of Villai--" She hunched forward, clutching the phone in her hands. She was shaking from anxiety and fear.

She felt that if she was a better friend--if she did something different, anything different, then Deku would still be at UA. She could have helped keep him safe and away from harm. But in the end she was useless--she couldn't even help keep her best friend safe.

"I-Im sorry I wasn't there to help you. I'm sor-ry that you're alone, dealing with who--whoknowswhat. I-I wish I was better--a better hero, a bet-tter friend."

Uraraka trailed off, breathing hard. Streams of tears free falling down her face and onto her lap. A couple landed on her phone, distorting the call page.

One landed in the middle of Deku's name. It blew apart the "k" and the "u."

She used her free hand to clutch at the front of her shirt in an attempt to ground herself.

She could feel the fabric of her shirt rubbing against her quaking shoulders. She could feel the air stall in her lungs between breaths. She could feel her heartbeat pounding through her ribcage.

"'Zuku, I'm so...so so-rry." She gasped out, voice sore and thick with emotions. Her hand was shaking as it gripped onto her cell phone.

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