Week 3: Aizawa [Warning: Gore]

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He, along with a handful of other Underground Heroes, had made it to the location Nezu sent them early last night.

The plan was to sneak in, knock out and take any threats or immediate suspects into the station, and then find Midoriya. If Midoriya was not at the base, interrogation processes would commense.

All was relatively normal until they snuck into the house. Almost immediately, a soft stench made itself known. Aizawa scrunched up his nose ever so slightly. Almost immediately after entering the house, he knew something was utterly amiss.

Almost immediately, an Underground hero named Shudder spotted someone lurking around the house. He was dressed in clothes littered with holes and grime.

His hair was relatively matted and greasy, as if he hadn't washed in a couple days. His expression was one of nervousness, borderline paranoia. He looked tortured.

Shudder followed the suspect into the other room. A couple other heroes went off to search the rest of the small house.

Aizawa followed Shudder.

He felt an internal pull to both interrogate the man as well as pumble him into the dirt. As a hero, he wouldn't be allowed to act on his impulses, yet as a teacher...

He definitely wouldn't.

Shudder paused at the lip of the hallway, looking around the corner. The hero was in a crouched position.

That allowed Aizawa to also lean over and see around the hall's wall to observe the suspect who had walked further into the house.

The man was twitching, his neck folding in odd angles as his arms spazzed slightly. He was rocking forward and backwards on the balls of his feet. Clearly the man was unwell.

But he was currently in the kitchen, facing a cabinet. Standing there and twitching.

Aizawa looked down to Shudder, both met eyes and nodded in agreement.

Observe a little bit longer.

After a few more moments of tense silence, the suspect jerked around, twitching ever so faster. A chilling smile formed as he made eyecontact with Shudder and Eraserhead. The distance between the hall and the kitchen cabinet was less than twelve feet, so they were able to get a fairly good look at the individual.

His hair was brown, skin so pale it was almost colorless. Purple and red welts littered his skin where bruises weren't located. His smile showed blood covering his yellowed teeth, overflowing and dripping down his chin. His hands were clenching and un-clenching, sometimes flapping uncontrollably. His eyes were almost sunken in completely, and his figure was ghastly.

"Escapee." Whispered the glitching voice of Shudder.

Eraserhead whipped his head down to look at the man's wrist. Indeed there was a quirk erasing bracelet that covered the man's wrist. The bright orange color signaled the bracelet was from Tartarus.

A Tartarus escapee.

But the only recent escapee was...

Eyes going wide with realization, Aizawa looked over the man in front of him. The picture of the Eight Precepts' escapee flashed through his mind and Eraser attempted to match up physical characteristics.

Of course there were similarities, though they were vague. The ex-member had changed a lot. Reports in Tartarus said he was fairly well behaved, and maintained his self-health as well as one could in a massive prison.

The man in front of the two heros was not remotely well nor was he any form of healthy.

That was not a good sign.

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