01: Jealousy Jealousy

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Jihyuck was surprised at herself—and in a way, felt proud that she endured this mentally tormenting phase successfully—up until today. She loved writing, editing, and managing. Therefore, she enrolled in Neotech, an organization or club that managed the school's website.

She did have a lot of fun in the beginning. It was her escape from studying because Neotech felt more like a hobby than a job. However, she wasn't sure if she enjoyed it as much now—because she saw it as a rivalry and not something she did to release her stress anymore.

Lee Donghyuck. Donghyuck was all it took to snatch her happiness away. What could happen if someone who desperately craved academic validation met an overachiever? Correct. Competitiveness, jealousy, and never-ending rivalry over every little thing.

Jihyuck wasn't gifted, nor was she a genius. She can't remember the last time she got more than four hours of sleep. She put extra effort because of that strong desire to outdo everyone, to be better than everyone even though sometimes, it was out of what she can bear. She had to succeed, she had to be the best, no matter rain or shine.

On the other hand, Donghyuck rarely put his all to ace something. He was the definition of an ace and Jihyuck despised the title on him badly. He was one of the best students in their department, well-known among the lecturers for his genius brain, and he did sports—and was great at it.

Those were enough reasons to loath him with Jihyuck's entire being. It was her problem if she saw him as a threat—and she'd be glad to deal with it and reflect on herself for having such a mentality.

But Donghyuck played a huge role in amplifying her hatred for him. He got on her nerves every time they breathed in the same space. Sometimes, Jihyuck felt like he was trying to piss her off on purpose—which she was not entirely wrong.

Despite being an imperfect person Jihyuck knew she always was, she tried her best to be kind to people or at least, sympathize with people. Donghyuck—didn't even try. He thought everything revolved around him and couldn't give a single damn about what people felt. He was that oblivious person, at least in Jihyuck's eyes.

"Lee Jihyuck."

Jihyuck slowly lifted her head and met the devil's eyes. He braced his arms against the table. "Your article," he paused, just to exaggerate because well, he was Donghyuck. "It sucks."

A corner of Jihyuck's lips curved up, not surprised. She was used to Donghyuck's disrespectful antics by now. "Nobody asks your opinion," she darted her gazes back to the computer screen.

"I'm not saying this because I hate you, I do but I'm saying this for your sake. Your writing sucks and you should quit."

Jihyuck could feel her fingers getting itchy to punch him in the face. Thankfully, her conscience held her from doing so and she did not wish to get in any trouble—not when she was running for an important position in Neotech—against Donghyuck at that. She can't lose to him.

"What do you want, Donghyuck?"

He flashed his typical enigmatic smile. "Back out. I don't think you deserve the position more than I do."

Jihyuck snickered. "I'm sad to tell you, Donghyuck, I'm not giving up. Not when I'm up against you," she leaned back to the chair, crossing her arms on her chest.

Could Donghyuck make some sense? Give up? She did not put her time and energy—basically her life for the past three years to stay as a regular member of Neotech. Greed? Yes.

Jihyuck ran her hand smoothly through her jet-black hair. "Plus, I'm not making your life easier. It's more entertaining to have a rival before you get something, isn't it?" she smirked.

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