28: Slowly She Becomes His Priority

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For the first time in years, tears formed behind Jeno's eyes. He wasn't sure what pained him more. The fact that his father spoke ill of Jihyuck when he had no idea of what she had to go through because of him or the fact that their mom hadn't returned. It had been five years.


He turned around after closing the door behind him.

He immediately blinked his tears away. "Oh, hi," he said awkwardly. It was their neighbor, Ko Sejoon.

"Are you okay?"

He laughed, waving his hands. "Of course."

Sejoon nodded his head hesitantly, not fully convinced. He craned his neck, looking around. "I don't see Jihyuck?"

"Oh. She spends the weekend at our friend's house. You know him. Remember Donghyuck? She visits his parents."

"That guy who loves to smile?"

"No. That's Jaemin. He's the other one," Jeno told.

"Oh," Sejoon said. "She visits his parents."

The tone of Sejoon's voice was somehow off to Jeno's ears but he quickly brushed off the thought. Ain't no way he was a bad person, right? He knew him and he was extremely polite to their parents and educated too.

Eventually, their conversation ended. Jeno drove his car to somewhere he always went to whenever he was sad, mad or whatever feelings he didn't want to express.

It was a park nearby their house. It wasn't a random spot. Back when he and Jihyuck were in primary school, their mother always brought them here after school. She said nature helps to soothe yourself. And he can say that it was true.

He sat at his favorite spot, under a huge tree. He breathed in the clean air and closed his eyes. Doing this already put his unsettled mind at peace. He brought his knees close to his chest, staring at the moving trees ahead of him.

"Mom," he swallowed. "Have you—abandoned us?"

That particular question had been lingering in his mind for the past few months. "It had been five years. Can't you at least contact us?" he asked, more like talking to himself.

He hated how he doubted his mother. He hated how he almost lose hope that she will return. He closed his eyes again. "I need to be strong. I can't cry. Who will take care of Ji if I don't?" he sighed. "But I can't. I can't take this pressure anymore."


"Crying doesn't mean that you're weak."

His eyes shot open. He spun his head and was surprised to see a familiar figure smiling at him. "Heejin?" he raised his brows. "Why are you here?"

She scowled playfully. "Can't I be here?"

"No. That's not what I meant—"

"Can I sit here?" she gestured at the empty spot next to him.

It took him a while to answer before he nodded.

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