62: It Worked Out In The End

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Lee Jihyuck's.

It hit me that we're graduating and leaving college sooner than I thought. I gladly submit my last paper and couldn't care less about how it's going to turn out. I know I did my best and I'll accept whatever the outcome was.

Examination weeks were nothing but hell to me. I fought with Donghyuck—so far the biggest and longest fight we ever had.

I had no time for him because I was busy studying. I avoided him whenever he needed me and he was hurt by it. He deserved to be upset. But you know what? When I couldn't take it anymore, I called him and he came. He gave me his hug which would always calm me down and put my heart at peace.

Indeed, he was the best.

A couple of days rolled by and the result of our final examination came out. As expected, Donghyuck aced it. But not me. My result was pretty nice according to him but I wasn't satisfied with it.

"Darling, your result is great!" Donghyuck said, cupping my face.

Tears gushed down my cheeks. "You don't understand. I worked so hard and this is what I got? I hate myself so much."

"Babe, I don't like you saying this kind of thing. No one could hate you, not even yourself as long as I'm here," he said, wiping the tears on my face. "You know you worked hard, right? I know it, mama knows, Jeno knows. Does the result even matter?"

I watched him smile through my soaked lashes.

"You did well, baby," he said, kissing my forehead softly. "I'm proud of you."

As if the words he told me that night had a spell, I grew to feel proud about my result. After all, I wasn't bad. I just wished it was better.

The best thing was I no longer seek validation from people. Donghyuck made me learn to appreciate my efforts and be proud of myself regardless of my results.

I remembered him saying, "You'll be happier once you stop seeking people's validation, Hyuck."

Indeed, I'm happier than ever.

Graduation day will be one of the best days of my life. My mother came to my graduation day and we took our family pictures—finally. Seeing mother become so close to Donghyuck was the best feeling ever.

I also saw Donghyuck's family. As always, his mother and father welcomed me with so much affection and I'll always be grateful for that.

That day, Donghyuck revealed to his parents about us.

"God, I'm so happy to know!" Donghyuck's mother pulled me into a hug. "I was so afraid to face the day when you find the love of your life that isn't my son. But the day won't come now. My son is the love of your life."

"Treat her well, Donghyuck," Mr. Lee warned.

Because I had a lot of free time now, I brought Jenna and Jedi to the zoo. Seeing the smiles on their faces made me happy and sad at the same time. But the sadness didn't last long because Donghyuck kept making me laugh. He didn't really know how to deal with kids and seeing him becoming upset because I paid attention to Jenna and Jedi only was so funny.

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