On Our Way

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I woke up this morning to the sound of my loud alarm. I stood up and went to get ready and I was kind of light headed. Probably because I didn't eat last night. But I for some reason felt so happy about that.

I chose my outfit and brushed my hair. I was too lazy to actually make my hair look good today.

I went downstairs a little later than usual so that I wouldn't have to eat breakfast. My mom and Taylor were already up and talking in the kitchen.

"Good morning Sky," Mom greeted me.

"Morning mom, I think I need to get going. My bus is gonna come in like 2 minutes." I said and started heading towards the door.

"Woah wait a minute," Taylor stopped me. "You're not going to school today." I stopped in my tracks and looked back.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're going to New York in a few hours. I'm going on Fallon and you're going on with me. There's also the Met Gala which you'll be my date to." She told me.

"I have to go on too? Oh hell no. There's no fucking way. I am not going on TV. You know I get nervous. And the Met? I'm gonna trip and embarrass myself." I said. I am not about to embarrass myself again.

"I know you get nervous but they really want you on the show. Also, it's great practice! You wanna be in the industry someday right?" Tay asked.

"I mean maybe. I'm still thinking about it. What if I fuck everything up? What if I ruin your image or something?" I ask.

"You won't, don't worry. And if you freeze up or something, I'll back you up. Give it till like the hour before we go on. If you still don't feel like doing it, you don't have to." Taylor told me.

"Fine. Deal. When are we leaving? And how long are we going for?" I asked.

"At 11. We're gonna be there for a week. So eat breakfast and go pack quickly. We need to leave earlier to avoid traffic." Mom told me.

"I'll go pack everything first. Just so I don't have to rush later." I said and they agreed.

I went up to my room and pulled out my suitcase. Since I have a lot of clothes at Taylor's apartment in New York already, I don't have to pack a lot of things. I packed my pajamas and undergarments, as well as my toiletries. I also packed a hoodie and a pair of sweats just in case. After that, I called Taylor upstairs to have her help me pick out an outfit for the talk shows. By this time, it was already 10 so I only had an hour left before we had to leave. Perfect. When Taylor came up to my room, she looked through my closet and looked for the perfect outfit that sort of matched hers. After a while of talking through it and trying them on, we finally decided on 4. We decided that we'd bring the 4 and have her wardrobe team help choose the right one.

"Are you guys ready? We have to leave now!" Mom called from downstairs.

"We're coming!" I responded. I quickly closed my suitcase and went downstairs.

"Wait, what about breakfast?" Taylor asked as we walked downstairs.

"I'll just grab something later. I don't want us to be late." I said. Taylor hesitantly nodded.

When we got to the airport, there were about 7 paparazzis there, waiting for Taylor. I sighed and pulled my sunglasses out. I get so anxious walking in front of them. They're taking every second of your move so you have to look your best and walk perfectly constantly. I hate it.

Taylor got out first, then mom, and then me. Taylor waited for me and held my hand. She always does because she knows I get uncomfortable and shaky. I hold on to her hand for dear life and start walking. Taylor wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer. The paparazzis' voices started getting louder and louder.

Taylor, this way

Are you married to Joe Alwyn?

What is the next re-recording?

What are your opinions on the Kimye divorce?

Skylar, what did you think of the latest tweet that's going around? 

I tensed up at that question and I think Taylor felt it because she pulled me closer to her. We walked as quickly as we can to the TSA PreCheck. After we were let into the private PreCheck room, I finally let out a breath that I apparently was holding.

"You okay?" Taylor crouched down in front of me.

"Yeah I think so. They're annoying as hell though." I said and laughed.

"Oh yes they are. By the way, what was that tweet they were talking about?" She asked. Oh shit.

"I don't know. Hopefully it's nothing bad." I played dumb.

"Stop lying to me, I know you know," She said, sounding a little more firm this time.

"I don't. I wish I did but I don't know if I wanna go looking for it." I said and kept playing along with my lie.

"Why did you tense up after that question then, huh?" She pried. By then, mom was already on the other side of the PreCheck.

"Mom's already through. We should probably get going." I tried to change the subject.

"Either you tell me now or you tell both mom and I. Your choice." Taylor looked me straight in the eyes. She knows I hate telling my mom about these things and she usually keeps all the negative stuff between us. And mom knows that and she's fine with that because she trusts Taylor.

"I swear I don't know anything! Why don't you believe me?" I start raising my voice. Mom turns to look at us.

"Because you reacted to their question. When you actually don't know, your body doesn't react to it. Now tell me, what was the tweet? Was it bad?" She asked. I knew this was it and that she was gonna tell mom if I didn't say something now.

"I'll show you later when we get to your apartment," I sighed.

"Fine. I won't forget about this by the way, if that was your plan." She said and stood back up. I was kinda surprised she knew that I was hoping for that. But I haven't given up hope. Maybe she'll be exhausted when we get there and just drop it.

We both put our bags on the belt and went through the metal detector. Once we were all cleared, we started heading to our gate. Luckily, Taylor only got stopped a few times and people didn't form a crowd around her. I kept my head down the entire time because I hate talking to strangers. I'm like Meredith. I don't like humans and I don't like cameras.

At 12:30, we got on Taylor's jet and headed to New York. It's about a 5 to 6 hour flight. I put my airpods in and closed my eyes. I was tired and I wasn't about to sit there awake on the jet for that long. I positioned myself so that I was laying down. I rested my head in Taylor's lap and pulled my blanket over me. Taylor moved her hands and started patting my arm slowly. I felt so safe and I was able to go to sleep quickly.

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