Uh Oh, I'm Falling in Love

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"Skylar you've been acting so weird lately," Taylor put her mug down and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"You're so giddy and you're always smiling at your phone," She raised her eyebrow.

"You know, the internet is a very fun place. You should check it out sometime." I roll my eyes and walk to the living room, my phone in my hand of course. Taylor follows me.

"Spill," Taylor sits down next to me and looks straight into my eyes.

"Spill? About what?" I say and pray that she'll let it go.

"Who's the mystery person?" She smirks. I can feel my face turning bright red.

"Mystery person? Huh?" I play dumb.

"Sky, I know the look. You like someone. Now spill." She smirks even more. She's never dropping this. I sigh.

"You need to promise me that you won't make a big deal out of this. You will nod and say okay and walk away." I say.

"Fine," She says. I take a deep breath.

"His name is Levi. We've known each other since middle school and we sit at the same table in English. That's all the information you're gonna get." I look at her. I can already tell she's gonna do more than just nod and say okay. First, she squeals. Then, she grabs my shoulders. After that, she screams, "YOU HAVE YOUR FIRST CRUSH!"

"Taylor what the fuck happened to nodding and saying okay and letting it go," I say.

"I'm sorry, this is too exciting! You should invite him over soon." She smirks again.

"No. Never. He's probably gonna friend zone me anyways." I shrug.

"But you never know," She says and walks away.

"You better not tell anyone else about this!" I call out to her. She just laughs in response. "Fuck you Taylor!" I say and she laughs harder.

A few minutes later my phone buzzes, signaling that I have a text message from someone. I had hoped it was Levi but it's Selena.

So... Levi, huh?😏

"Taylor! I am going to get my revenge!" I say to her, who has gone up to her room.

"Shiver me timbers, I'm so scared!" She yells down. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Sky: shut the fuck up selena
Sel: Tell me about him Skylar.
Sky: he's just my friend.
Sel: Who you happen to like?
Sky: no🙄 we just sit at the same table in english class
Sel: Sky you make me laugh😂
Sky: 1. do not use that emoji and 2. i am being so serious rn
Sel: I'm interrogating you the next time I see you
Sky: good luck, you're not getting anything out of me

I am never telling anyone about how it goes with Levi and I. It's so embarrassing. I've never had a crush. This is all so new and I don't like it. I find myself waiting for him to text back everyday. And when he does text back, I can't stop smiling. Also when I'm talking about him. I love seeing him at school everyday and I miss him when we're not in the same room together. It's so bad. I feel so weak and I don't know, too in love.

He'll never date me anyways. I mean, he knows who I am and we're really good friends. But he's one of the popular kids. He's not interested in me. He's the captain of the tennis team. He takes all honors classes. He can cook and build all sorts of cool things. He is so good with kids. He is really good at talking and taking care of people. He's the definition of a perfect guy. I don't stand a chance.

But part of me believes that he likes me back. That for some reason, he finds me cute and fun to talk to. Of course, it's just in my head and I have no proof of that but it doesn't hurt to pretend like that's true, right? I have to have something to believe in. I need to believe in love because it's been so lonely and I think I finally found the perfect guy. He's my McDreamy.

That thought made me want to rewatch Grey's Anatomy so I went up into my room and turned it on. Taylor appeared in the doorway a couple minutes later. "You're watching Grey's without me? How dare you." She said and jumped on my bed.

"That's what you get for telling Selena," I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed.

"I'm so happy you finally have someone you like. It's nice to have a crush you know." She said and focused her attention on the TV.

I guess she's right. It's nice to have a crush. It makes me happy. He makes me happy. I just wish he was my boyfriend. It would be a different kind of happiness.

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