Eralington, Texas

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"Selena and Gracie are gonna be at the show tonight," Taylor casually tells me as I walk out of the bathroom.

"What?! They are?" I stop in my tracks. I love them so much. They're pretty much family to us. "I'm so excited!" I squeal. "You should give your 22 hat to Gracie tonight." I tell Taylor. I sit down next to her.

"That's what I was thinking too," Taylor says as she hands me a bowl of cereal. We ordered room service today for breakfast. I sigh and take it from her. I know I was the one that chose cereal but I kinda regret it now. It's in milk. I can't hide it anywhere.

"Are they gonna meet us at the venue before the show starts?" I ask. I put a spoonful of cereal in my mouth and start chewing slowly.

"Yeah, they're coming an hour or so before doors open," She informs me. I eat another spoonful of cereal.

"I'm so excited," I say. I put the bowl of cereal down on the table and sit back. "I wonder what they're wearing tonight.

"I asked Selena but she wouldn't tell me! She said it's a surprise." Taylor rolls her eyes playfully. "Sky, you gotta eat your cereal." She grabs the bowl and sticks it out to me.

"Tay, I'm full," I groan.

"You only ate two spoonfuls," She points out.

"It's early in the morning," I counter.

"You've been up for 3 hours now," She counters back.

"I literally ate so much for dinner last night. My stomach is going to explode." I fight back. I have gained so much weight over the past few weeks. It's awful.

"You're eating less and less each day now. What happened? Did someone say something to you at one of the shows?" Well shit. She's been noticing that I've been restricting again. I thought she was too busy and tired to see it. But then again, it's Taylor. She notices everything.

"No, nothing happened. Taylor, I think you seriously need to take more time off. You deserve it. I know you're tired." I try to change the subject.

"We're talking about you right now," She brings the conversation right back. Changing the subject never works with her. "We are not leaving here until you finish that bowl of cereal. I already played at the AT&T Stadium last night so rehearsals aren't as important today." Taylor puts down her phone and looks at me.

"You suck," I roll my eyes. I still don't pick up my spoon or my bowl.

When I don't move for a good 5 minutes, Taylor picks it up herself and brings the spoon to my mouth. Here we go again. I turn my head so she can't force it in my mouth.

"Skylar," Taylor uses my full name.

"Taylor, I really can't do this today," I say and walk over to my bed. I lay down and pull the covers over me.

"Why? Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired." I tell her.

"Oh, do you wanna stay here tonight? I'm sure you can see Selena and Gracie some other day." Taylor suggests. I know exactly what she's trying to do. One cruel woman she is.

"You bitch," I sigh loudly, making my annoyance known.

"I just want you to rest so that you don't pass out of exhaustion," She puts on her innocent face.

"Fuck you," I roll my eyes and drag myself over to the bowl of cereal.

I decide to get it all over with as quickly as I can. I shove as much cereal as I can in my mouth and swallow most of it.

Miss Not Perfectly FineWhere stories live. Discover now