Can't Stop, Won't Stop

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Taylor knew a lot about the ways I'd try and get out of eating because she had gone through it herself. It was hard to get away with not eating with Taylor. However, Tree was even harder to trick. She doesn't take any bullshit from you and she stares at you with no remorse as she makes you eat more food the more you refuse to eat. It was hell. Eating with Tree was something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

I sat down at my usual seat, Tree and Taylor sitting directly across from me, and kept my composure as I internally panicked even more and frantically started to find excuses.

"How has college been so far?" Tree asked me as we started eating. I intentionally put food in my mouth and swallowed it before answering her.

"It's been going well I think. A little tiring but I like the freedom in my schedule. I don't know how I went to so many classes everyday in high school." I said. "The paps are crazy though. They're always camping outside and waiting for me to walk out." I rolled my eyes. I took a big sip of water from my glass and picked up my fork. "I think they know my weekly schedule now because they're never not there anymore." I picked at my food and started working on spreading my food out on the plate. Slow enough that they wouldn't notice, but enough to make it look like I've been eating. I put my fork down again to drink water.

"Why the fuck are they stalking you?" Taylor made a face. "Fucking creeps." I giggled at her face and quickly snapped a picture of her. "Delete that!" Taylor gasped once she realized.

"Never," I stuck my tongue out at her. "I'm putting it in your birthday post album." I smirked and added it to an album I had made in January, solely for silly pictures and videos of Taylor that I wanted to post on December 13.

"You're just like them," Taylor glared at me.

"I'm offended," I joked and started looking through the pictures in that album. "Oh my god, look at this!" I turned my phone around to show them a video from last month. Taylor was extremely drunk and decided to twerk for us in the living room.

"Skylar. Delete that. Right now." Taylor's eyes widened in terror.

"The world's gonna love this one," I said and swiped to the next picture. Of course I had no intention of posting the twerking video. I'm a gatekeeper. I like to keep a lot of pictures and videos of Taylor to myself. But it was fun to trick Taylor into thinking I was gonna post it. It'll be a fun little surprise for her to see which ones I actually end up using.

For the next 15 minutes, I showed them my collection of pictures and videos that I had of Taylor. Taylor wanted me to delete all of them and was shocked at the fact that I had managed to capture so many of these moments without her noticing.

While they were busy watching the videos, I made sure to stab my food a few times and spread it around more to make it look like I was eating. I even brought up my fork to my mouth, only to bring it back down and quickly remove the stabbed food from it. I was now trying to make myself full from water.

"You are a paparazzi in training," Taylor said after we got through everything in that photo album. "No, you're better than them at their job." She shook her head in disbelief.

"Don't worry, your fans will love these!" I laughed as I leaned back in my chair and started scrolling through my camera roll. I had no intention of eating any of the food.

"Tree will not," Taylor said. I looked up at Tree to find her nodding and agreeing.

"Oh come on, you're so boring," I rolled my eyes at Tree. I stood up and quickly got a .5 picture of Tree before sitting back down. I checked the picture I just got and smirked. "That's for your birthday Tree." I said.

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