Very First Day

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"If anything happens, you text me. Okay?" Taylor says for the hundredth time today.

"Taylor, everything will be alright. Stop worrying." I laugh. She's been making sure that I have everything I need and know what to do when trouble arises.

Today is my first day at a high school in New York. Attending school in New York has been on my bucket list. I know it's not something that's on a typical teen's bucket list but I crave that coming of age movie experience that I see so often.

I was surprised when Taylor actually agreed to letting me go. I thought she'd want to be able to keep an eye on me until I'm actually eating normally again but I guess not. Going to school again not only checks off an item on my bucket list, it also helps me get down to my goal weight quicker. I'm thrilled. Everything seems to be working out so well for me all of a sudden.

"I never thought I'd say this but I miss going to school," I tell Taylor as she walks into the living room, carrying the laundry basket.

"Do you want me to enroll you into one?" She asks me.

"Wait, actually? Can I really go to high school here? In New York?" I get excited.

"I mean, if you want to," Taylor shrugs. "You'd only be going for like a month though. Graduation season is coming up soon.'' She reminds me.

"Oh shit. I graduate high school that soon? That can't be." I shake my head. "Anyways, I've always wanted to go to school here. It sounds fun." I smile at the thought of taking classes in the kinds of school buildings that I see in movies.

"I'll get you enrolled tonight. I prepared all the required documents when you first came to live with me, just in case you decided to go to school in person. You should be allowed to go next Monday."

"Thank you so much!" I squeal.

I climb the stairs to the main doors and take a deep breath before opening it. Immediately, in front of me is a movie scene; a loud hallway with kids grouped up next to lockers in their friend groups, and kids going to their classes. The only thing missing is the bully that seems to walk straight down the middle of the hallway with their minions while chewing gum, and I really hope that part of the movie will be something that I never have to witness.

With a big grin on my face, I start searching for my locker. Taylor told me that it's locker number 113. I just know that she was behind this arrangement somehow. After walking a few more feet, I come face to face with a navy blue locker. I open it and put my textbooks, books, notebooks, folders, gym clothes and shoes, and lunch that Taylor made me inside of the locker. It all fits perfectly. I put the necessities for my first class, calculus, in my backpack. I only need my pencil case, calculator, and notebook. I love this school already. Back at my old school, we didn't have lockers so we had to carry everything in our backpacks for the whole day. My back was never not in pain. Now, it's so light and a lot easier to move around.

I look down at the map of the school and try to find my classroom. My calculus classroom is all the way on the 5th floor. Well that's just great. I mean, great for getting my exercise in but not so great for lazy me. I internally groan and start dragging myself up the never ending staircase. I thought the three floors at my old school were a lot. Now? Compared to the 10 floors here? Three floors was nothing.

On my way to the classroom, I pass by some couples making out on the stairs. I guess some things are the same no matter what state you're in. I avoid making eye contact with them by awkwardly looking down at my phone. Phones are a great tool in public places such as a high school. It gives you an excuse not to socialize and it doesn't create any awkwardly silent moments.

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