New Home

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"Did you get everything?" Taylor asks me.

"I think so. I mean, a lot of my things are at your apartment already." I check my suitcase again though, just in case.

"Okay, I think we're ready now," Taylor looks at our mom.

"I love you both so much," Mom hugs us. So does dad and Austin.

"Call us when you land," Dad says as he waves. We both tell him that we will and climb into the car that was waiting for us.

In the car, Taylor and I watched tiktoks on my phone. My fyp is pretty much all Taylor at this point.

"I still find it so funny that you're on swifttok," Taylor says.

"Yeah it's so weird to see you everywhere. But then again, I'm kinda used to it." I say. Just then, a Speak Now theory tiktok came up. "You should release Enchanted (Taylor's Version), like, tomorrow." I smirk.

"Or I could release the Shake It Off rerecording to mess with their heads," She smirks back.

"Oh you're so evil," I shake my head, still smiling.

"I know you want me to," She raises her eyebrow at me.

"Okay fine, yes I do," I roll my eyes. "Imagine how fun it would be to see them try and piece together easter eggs and get so confused over what's next." We both laugh.

We continue to watch tiktoks until our driver tells us that we're at the airport.

"Thank you Chris," Taylor says as she steps out of the car. People start looking our way and starts to take pictures. I immediately start feeling uncomfortable. I step out of the car from the other side and grab my suitcase. Taylor pulls out her sunglasses and hands me mine. Paparazzis are starting to show up as well. I quickly put it on before I go blind.

Once Taylor grabbed her stuff and we were ready to go, Taylor walks over to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. We then start walking towards the door. Taylor's security team was trying to manage the crowd that had formed in such a short amount of time. It's so loud and so bright. I hate it so much.

Today, Taylor doesn't stop for any pictures. She just smiles and waves before walking into the airport. Even when we're in the airport, there's a crowd following us. We walk as fast as we can to get to the TSA room.

This would be an easy task if there weren't people standing in front of us to get pictures. No matter how hard Taylor's security tries to get people to move out of the way, there's always someone in front of us. Of course, Taylor isn't rude about it. She politely smiles. But all I want to do is tell at them to fuck off. I won't do that because people will start to talk shit about Taylor but I want to do it so bad.

We finally get to the private TSA room. I check my phone to see how long it took. 37 minutes. It's not even that long of a walk. People need to leave us alone. It's an airport for god's sake. Taylor checks in on me like she always does and I tell her about how annoyed I am like I always do.

We then go through the pre check process and get going. We walk towards our gate and before we know it, they let us out to where Taylor's jet is. Apparently, it's been ready for some time.

Once we get on the jet, Taylor and I sit down next to each other and pull the blankets over us. It's freezing in here. After they go over the safety protocol with us, the pilot goes into the cockpit and starts the engine. I lay down and get ready to sleep. See you soon New York.


"We've landed at the JFK Airport," I wake up to an announcement from the cockpit. Taylor seems to have woken up just now too. We slowly get up and pull the blanket off. I shiver from how cold it is. "It's currently 6:24pm here in New York. The temperature is 50 degrees." He informs us.

When the jet stops completely, Taylor and I stand up and grab everything. "I see 4 of them," The pilot tells us about the paparazzis. We get ready to sprint.

"You ready?" Taylor looks at me. I nod. "Thank you guys so much." Taylor looks to the pilots. They nod and smile at her. "Okay, let's go." Taylor grabs my hand and opens the door. We sprint to the car that's waiting for us.

Ha. Good luck stupid paparazzi. You're never selling these pictures.

Every time I see them, these are my thoughts. I sometimes purposefully cover Taylor's face so they can't make profit off of her pictures.

Once we climb into the car, Paul drives us to Taylor's apartment. We were both tired so we didn't really talk. We just stared out at the beautiful city while we headed to my new home.

My new home. New York City. With my sister, Taylor Swift.

i'm sorry this chapter is really short and really boring, i kinda just wanted to write this in as a transition. the next chapter will be a lot better than this, i promise!! if you have any ideas/suggestions, please comment or message me :)

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