(Not) Skipping the Prom

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May 1
"Can't I just wear one of your old dresses? Like a red carpet dress you wore or something?" I flopped onto the couch, refusing to go dress shopping.

"Do you seriously not like dress shopping that much?" Taylor asked.

"I hate it. It's long and tiring. Prom isn't worth the time and effort." I said.

"Now what do you have against prom?" Taylor sat down next to me.

"Long story," I shrugged and sat up.

"You've only been to one prom," Taylor looked confused. "Was last year bad?" I never told Taylor about prom. Just mom and dad. I really did not enjoy it.

"It was just awkward," I sighed.

"Tell me about it in the car," Taylor grabbed her keys from the table and stood up.

"I don't wanna go dress shopping," I groaned.

"We're going to the storage. Where some of my red carpet dresses are." Taylor smiled at me. I quickly stood up and followed her to the car.

"So what happened?" She asked as she started the car. "Did you have a date?"

"I did. I went with my friend Jacob. He made a poster and everything. It was really cute and sweet. But the thing is, I thought we were going as friends. I never liked him in any other way. Just as friends."

"Right. And going to prom doesn't mean you two are going out or anything. It's just prom." Taylor said.

"Exactly. I actually didn't know he thought of this as going out until my friends told me. But yeah he liked me liked me. Anyways, we went to dinner and it was mostly silent. Because we had absolutely nothing to talk about. It was so awkward. And then, we took separate cars to prom. Mom drove me to the venue and he drove himself. Thank god she drove me because the car ride would've been even worse." Taylor started laughing.

"This isn't funny!" I rolled my eyes. "When we got to the venue, we had to wait in a long line. But he thinks he's popular or whatever so he just cut the whole line. He told people, 'My date's Taylor Swift's sister. Do you really want her telling her sister about you? You'd have a whole album written about you.' and I was so embarrassed."

"That's fucked up." Taylor shook her head.

"I know. So then, because he made us cut the entire line, we got in first. We went and got our pictures taken and went inside the actual ballroom. I walked over to where my friends were sitting and sat with them so it wouldn't be a repeat of dinner. I didn't want any awkward silence between us. I think my friend could tell that the night hasn't exactly been fun." I paused for a second and looked outside the car window. I saw a long line of cars waiting to get Chick-Fil-A. "She grabbed my hand and we went over to the dance floor. Jake followed me. But I danced with my friend the most because if I'm being honest, I felt kinda uncomfortable with Jake. It was just a really weird night."

"That's understandable. I would've done the same." Taylor said.

"When the slow dance song came on though, my other friends came up to us and started to push Jake and I towards each other. He smiled and grabbed my waist and started pulling me towards him. I hated it so much."

"Why did your friends do that?" She said, annoyance present in her voice.

"I don't fucking know. But it was really uncomfortable. He kept pulling me in and I think he tried to lean his head on mine at one point. Eventually, I was like 'This is so awkward' and pushed myself away from him. I literally ran to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls for a good 15 minutes."

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