Speak Now (Taylor's Version)

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"Happy Speak Now (Taylor's Version) release day!" I gave one of the crew members a Speak Now themed friendship bracelet. I've been handing one to every crew or staff member that I passed as I walked to the tent.

I had made 113 friendship bracelets just for today, all related to Speak Now. It was release day and on release days, we celebrate big. I made it mostly for the crew members of the Eras Tour, the dancers, the vocalists, the band, staff members working at the Stadium, the people on Taylor's team, and the people in the tents but I plan on handing some out to fans if there are some left. I made Taylor one as well — a Never Grow Up bracelet because that's our song — and I made her promise to wear it throughout the entire concert. Everyone on stage with Taylor also agreed to wear their bracelets during the concert, which made me so happy. They've been nothing but kind to me and I love being around them. They treat me like I'm one of them and it's always so much fun to talk and goof around together.

Once I was out in the main part of the stadium, I went to the tent that I wasn't going to be watching from first; the one to the left of the stage from Taylor's point of view. It was quite a walk. The stadium is so much bigger in person than it looks in pictures. I'll never understand how football players are able to run this distance. I'd give up so quick.

It took longer than it was supposed to since I was swarmed by quite a bit of people. However, with the help of Taylor's security guards, I thankfully didn't get trampled in the process. It's always so scary and overwhelming when so many people come up to you with cameras facing you and recording every move you make, while also screaming at you and trying to hug you or just grab your hand. I can't imagine what it's like for my sister and my friends who are actually celebrities.

There were eight people in the tent when I got there. I knew most of them so it was a nice little reunion. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of time left before the concert started — 7 minutes left to be exact — so we couldn't talk as much as I wanted to. We said hi, traded bracelets, and quickly caught each other up on what's been happening in our lives before saying goodbye to each other.

To go back to my tent and still make it in time for bracelet trading before the concert started, I had to run. Walking was gonna give people more time to form crowds and, as much as I love trading bracelets with people and talking with them, I really wanted to watch the show. I also didn't want to interrupt anyone in the tent while they were enjoying the show so I had to give them the bracelet before Taylor came out on stage. I let the two security guards that were with me, Trey and Paul, know that I was planning on running back. They gave me the okay to do so.

As soon as we stepped outside of the tent, I started booking it. I was a little worried about accidentally leaving Trey and Paul behind but I don't even know why I was worried because I can't even run fast. They're literally trained to do these things, of course they're going to be able to keep up with me. My running is probably just a slow jog for them.

"Welcome back," Joey said, laughing at how out of breath I was.

"Thanks," I managed to get out. I was still hunched over, my hands on both my legs while I tried to catch my breath. "I have a bracelet for everyone." I practically had to scream over the noise to make sure everyone in the tent heard me.

"We do too!" Both Taylor Lautners made their way over. I've always called the guy Taylor 'Lautner' and the other one 'Taylor'. It makes everything so much easier for me.

I started handing everyone the bracelets as I wished them all a happy release day. I picked out ones that I associated with them, or the ones of their favorite songs. In return, they also gave me bracelets that they apparently made specifically to give to me. Writing the friendship bracelet line was one of the best things Taylor ever did because this tradition is so fun. I never want it to go away.

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