first encounter

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."ringgggggggggggggggggggg" heeseung got up from the bed when his alarm went off, he went to get ready for school. it was already 7 am. Jay and Sunghoon were already waiting outside for him to come down. 

"yah heeseung, dude get your ass down here" jay screamed, "I'm coming" he yelled. heeseung then finish putting on his uniform and quickly grabbed his bag, and ran downstairs to get to the others . "finally" jay said and threw his arm over heeseung's shoulder. "I heard we gonna have two new students today," sung hoon said, "yea I heard," heeseung said rolling his eyes. 

at school 

heeseung and his friends just arrived at school and went to their different classes. when  heeseung got into the classroom and saw a random boy sitting in his chair he got really annoyed, "yahh!!" Heeseung yelled making the boy turned around. Heeseung was amazed by the boys beauty that he didn't hear the boy talking to him.
The boy snapped his fingers which made heeseung came back to reality. "Ah um im sorry well this is my seat and i mistook you for one of my friends",  he said scratching his head. "My name is  yang jungwon" the boy said with a wide smile. Heeseung was again amazed that his face got really red.

Um why is your face red do you have a fever " jungwon ask, heeseung then touched his face and ignore the feeling. He quickly ran to the empty seat behind the class leaving jungwon shook. He put his head down hoping his face would stop turning red. He quickly looked up to see if jungwon was looking at him, But he wasn't.

Time skip

Their first lecture has come to an end, heeseung got up from his seat. He went out the door, where He saw his friends walk towards his class. They then got to heeseung and jay through his hand over his shoulders and walked towards the cafeteria.
Minutes later jungwon and his brother came into the cafeteria. After jungwon and his brother jake got into the cafeteria a senior came up to him and started to introduce himself.

"you guys must be the new students  hi my name is choi yeonjun," he placed his hand out to jungwon. Jungwon bowed respectfully while shaking his sunbae's hand."I'm yang jungwon and this is my brother jake".
"Nice to meet you jake" yeonjun said
"Well I'll be leaving now welcome to Decelis acadamy" yeonjun said while smiling at jungwon.
Jungwon and jake bowed to their senior once again.
"HOT" the younger said, which left jake with and wide eyes.

Heeseung pov

I saw the new kids talking with yeonjun hyung. I felt a really weird feeling in my chest i didn't know what  it was but it hurt.

Dude a voice called, it was jay
I looked at him in confusion.
"The new kid looks cute" jay told me. "Yea he is"  sunghoon said but he wasn't talking about jungwon. I wanted to walk up to jungwon but before i could stand someone called his name. It was the academy's power duo(brothers) Ni-ki and sunoo.So i sat back down and continued to eat my lunch.

Author pov

"JUNGWONNNNNN" some one yelled. Jungwon turned around to see his bestfriend running towards him.
"Sunoo" jungwon yelled running towards him aswell.
Niki and jake just watched them from the opposite side of the cafeteria, sunoo and jungwon hugged which was a sign for niki and jake to walk towards them.
"I missed you so much" both of them said at the same time. Jungwon knew jake liked his bestfriend and sunoo liked him too, so he tried getting them close so the can talk. Both of them were a blushing mess but end up talking and getting close. They all took their seats at the lunch table after getting their lunches. they  talked until it was time for their next lecture. Jungwon was the last person to leave the cafeteria. When he was about to leave he felt a hand grad onto his, he was startled and closed his eyes.
He then knew nothing was happening so he opened his them, that's when he saw heeseung,Seeing the older above him like that made him blush real hard.
Heeseung on the other hand was doing this because of jealousy, he didn't know why but he was angry. Heeseung tried to kiss the younger but jungwon stopped him, with more attempts heeseung tried he finally succeeded and kissed Jungwon. Jungwon was very surprise at all the attempt kisses heeseung gave him so he gave into him and they made out.
Heeseung loosen the buttons of jungwon shirt but didn't finish because he realized what he was doing, so he apologized to jungwon and button his shirt back up and they both left to their class.
It was already evening, heeseung was on his way to the gate with his friends, there he saw jungwon. The younger looked at him with a sad look. He was confused at why the younger looked at him liked that, so he ran to him and called his name "YA!!!YANG JUNGWON". Jungwon saw the older and ran towards the school soccer field. Jungwon was tired not knowing the older was behind him. Heeseung touched jungwon's shoulder and turned him around.when the younger turned, heeseung saw him in tears. "Hyung do you know what you did earlier?" jungwon said in a teary soft voice. "Hyung that was my first kiss and you took it". Jungwon said again. "I'm sorry, i was angry for some reason. Seeing you with yeonjun hyung and sunoo it angers me",Heeseung said.
Jungwon knew that the older was jealous of him but he wanted to know why was he.
Heeseung apologized once again and offered jungwon a ride home. On the way jungwon fell asleep on heeseungs shoulder. they already arrived at jungwons house, the older didn't want to walk jungwon so he waited infront of the house for a few minutes. Jungwon then wakes up noticing the car came to a stop,it was his house. He then grabbed his bag and thank the older after coming out of the car. The younger was about the leave but the older stopped him, jungwon turned around to see heeseung holding his phone out the window." Yes hyung? "jungwon asked "give me your number"
Heeseung said. Jungwon then nodded and gave his hyung his number. They bid their goodbyes. Jungwon got to his room and shower before going to bed. Suddenly he heard his phone notification went off when he looked is was heeseung.


Hey jungwon hope you have a good rest tonight and sorry about earlier
... Heeseung

Jungwon then smile and went to bed.

Hiii readers
Welcome to i need u.
Most of this is my life experience with love so i hope it is very interesting.
And i hope you enjoy heeseung  and jungwon's journey with love. Thank you

Author ❤️❤️

I need u / HEEWONWhere stories live. Discover now