the moment

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It was finally the weekend, it was the time when jungwon would meet his boyfriend's mom. "Heeseung hyung" jungwon yelled and ran to the older. "Are you ready my little kitten?" Heeseung asked. "Hyung I'm not little" Jungwon said, "I know wonnie I know" heeseung said looking at the door before knocking.

The door opened revealing an middle age woman with an apron on. "Heeseungie??" The lady said happily. "Hello mom" heeseung said smiling going to hug her.  "My hee baby is finally home" heeseung mom said letting go of her son. "And who is this cute boy behind you?". She asked. "This is jungwon mom my..... my boyfriend" heeseung said with a smile looking at jungwon. "Well come in then my loves I was just making some food." Heeseung's mom said turning while walking to the kitchen.

Both the males follow her into the house.
"Mom I'm going to take jungwon to my room is that fine by you ?"  Heeseung asked his mom. "Of Course honey just come down when I call you guys okay". She told heeseung 
"Ok mom" heeseung said taking his boyfriend to his room.
Jungwon looked around he was amazed by the beauty of heeseungs room. He had so many pictures of him and his family. So many music records on the wall, and a lots of books over his bed.
Heeseung threw himself on the bed to lay down. "Ahh my back hurts honey can you come rub my back please" heeseung said with a pout on his face. "Sure hee baby I'll do it for you" jungwon giggle by the name heeseungs mom called him earlier. Jungwon went to sit on heeseungs back but heeseung pulled jungwon under him instead. "I thought you back was hurting," Jungwon asked. "Not anymore cause i have you in my arms now" heeseung said hovering over the younger. Heeseung lay on top of the youngers chest, jungwon petted the older's hair so he can feel comforted. "Can we stay like this all night" heeseung said look up to jungwon. "Sure hyung we can" jungwon replied after rapping his hands around his shoulders.
They both feel asleep, heeseung's mom walked in to call the boys to eat but to her surprise she say them sleeping, so she walked up to them and cover them with the blanket so they don't get cold. "Goodnight my hee baby" she said kissing his forehead. "Good night wonnie" she said kissing jungwon forehead.  She walked out of the room turning off the lights so that the boys can sleep well , she then walked out and close the door behind her.

To be continued.....

mini chapter
See you guys sunday

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