you and me

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"Heeseung-ahhh"The girl  called. "Sunhee" heeseung said with a clueless toned. "SUNHEE!!!" Heeseung shouted letting go of his boyfriends hand, running towards the girl, picking her up into a hug. "Heeseung ah I missed you" sunhee said still hugging heeseung. "I missed you too sunsun",Heeseung said as they walked towards jungwon."um sunhee this is my .... my friend yes friend this is my friend jungwon",heeseung said. Jungwon looked at heeseung very lost, "friend?"Jungwon asked. "Yes friend" heeseung said not looking into the youngers eyes. "I'm sunhee um heeseungs fiancé/childhood friend" sunhee said." Jungwon looked at heeseung once more and nodded. He turned and left but he bumped into someone, its was yeonjun the senior jungwon also liked. Yeonjun saw jungwon face facing down words so he lifted the youngers chin to let jungwon face him, jungwon eyes were teary. H-hyung"  jungwon said  "yes" both heeseung and yeonjun replied. "Take me home now please " jungwon  said  "ok wonnie let's go" yeonjun said to the younger holding his waist. Heeseung was so pissed at the sight of his boyfriend waist being hold by someone else.

Jungwon pov

Yeonjun hyung took me home, I wasn't feeling well so I ask him to sleep over cause there was no one home. Heeseung texted my phone even try calling me but I didn't answer. "Are you ok wonnie"  yeonjun said taking some food to jungwon. "I'm ok hyung"  jungwon replied.  "Hyung" jungwon said pulling yeonjun on the bed so he can lay down, jungwon sat on top of yeonjun kissing him but yeonjun stopped and stare at him. "Are you sure wonnie what about heeseung?" Yeonjun asked. "He has a fiancé I'm just a friend" jungwon said continue to kiss the older
With tears running down his eyes. Yeonjun was surprised at first but he kissed him back. The two made out for a while, yeonjun looked at jungwon signaling to take his shirt off so he did ,yeonjun did the same. He place jungwon under him to lay, kissing his soft skin, "hyung" jungwon said  "mmmh " yeonjun replied. Jungwon nodded telling him he can do it. So yeonjun did, he took off jungwons pants stripping him naked. Jungwon just lay there staring at the handsome man on top. Jungwon then switch places making yeonjun lay on his back. Now the younger is sitting on yeonjungs lap moving his waist back and front grinding on the olders member. Yeonjun let out a low moan which jungwon smirk to. Yeonjun was turned on from what the younger was doing, yeonjun was ready to go inside the younger but he'll let jungwon have a little more fun. Yeonjun grabbed jungwon by his waist pulling him towards him as he got up. Yeonjun and jungwon lustfully made out as yeonjun placed his member into jungwon's whole making the boy whipped in pain but soon than pain will turned into pleasure. Yeonjun thrust into younger very slowly looking him in the eyes, seeing how jungwon was he kissed him and went in roughly which made the younger scream. Yeonjun then place jungwon on his stomach still inside of him. " h hyung I'm almost  ahhhhhhh" jungwon screamed.

RINNNNNNGGGG  jungwon phone was ringing it was heeseung but he didn't answer it,He looked up and saw yeonjun on the floor sleeping.
"So it was a dream" jungwon thought, jungwon groan and lay back down to sleep.

The next morning

Jungwon entered the building.
"Jungwon" someone yelled, it was heeseung. Jungwon turned the other way to leave but heeseung grabbed his wrist "baby wait bab" heeseung said getting cut off  " what do you want hyung" jungwon turned and replied. "I'm sorry about yesterday my parents arranged a marriage with me and sunhee years ago I didn't know she was here plus shes my childhood bestfriend" heeseung said to his boyfriend.
"Baby look I'll make it up to you" heeseung said trying to make jungwon forgive him. Jungwon tried to walk away but heeseung dragged him to the auditorium where they had their first kiss. "Remember this place" heeseung said placing jungwon's back to  the wall with his forehead on the youngers one.
"Look wonnie I'm sorry please forgive me" heeseung said moving his head to the youngers shoulders. "And yeonjun hyung please don't let him touch you the way I do please" heeseung said once more. The younger felt sorry for heeseung. "Hyung I need to tell you some thing" jungwon said, "what is it wonnie" heeseung asked. "Um so yeonjun hyung slept at my house last night." Jungwon said  "He did" heeseung said looking up to jungwon with a pissed face."Hyung we didn't do anything so don't worry." Jungwon said holding heeseung's hand. "Wonnie you sure" heeseung asked
"Yes hyung I'm sure but" jungwon said looking down to the floor. "But what jungwon" the older said ."I kinda dreamt about us having sex that's all" jungwon said looking at the older. "Are you serious jungwon really you dreamt about having sex with him" the older yelled so only jungwon could hear. "Hyung I was in the mood and I" jungwon got cut of by a pair of lips on his. "Wonnie don't dream about having sex with others ok" heeseung said kissing the younger again. "Ok hyung I'm sorry" jungwon said hugging heeseung  very tight. "Hyung I've missed you last night" jungwon said. "I missed you too wonnie I should've went to you" heeseung said holding his boyfriend in his arms. "Where were you hyung" jungwon ask
"I was with my parents at sunhee's house", Heeseung said

Heeseung came out as bisexual a year ago. His dad loved him so he accepted the fate of his son. At that time heeseung was single so his dad told him that he was getting engaged to some one,But when jungwon
First came to school heeseung fell In love with the younger at first glance.
"Wonnie i want you to meet my mom this weekend would you come with me." Heeseung said
"Are you sure hyung I don't want you to be in trouble." Jungwon Said looking at the older. "Don't worry baby they already know that we're  dating that's why we went to sunhees house to cancel the engagement." Heeseung told the younger. "Ok hyung I'll go" jungwon said planting a kiss on the olders lips.

Tooo long but ehh
Another chapter Yay idk if it's OK for me to write something like this but yea yes sunhee wasn't a long term character  but she will appear in another chapter


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