just a day

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It was morning
Heeseung walked up finally, not seeing jungwon beside him so he got his shirt and hurry ran down the stairs to see jungwon Helping his mom cook breakfast. "Hey Babe your up finally".jungwon said looking at heeseung with a cute face. Heeseung went to kiss his mom's forehead then hugged jungwon from the backwards planting a kiss on his shoulders. "So what are you guys making", heeseung asked his mom. "You'll see when Its finish hyung now you freshen up" jungwon said turning around planting a kiss on his lips. "Ok wonnie I'll go mom be nice" heeseung said smiling at his mom " I will honey" his mom said. Heeseung then left to the shower. "You guys look cute together," mrs lee said. "Thank you" jungwon replied "Don't worry you can be comfortable around here since it's just me living here." Mrs lee said. "Oh ok" jungwon replied to her again. So mrs lee what should we do today." Jungwon asked hey sweetie call me mom" mrs lee said. Ok mom what should we do today just the three of us." Jungwon asked the question again. "I don't know honey what should we do ?" She asked with a smile looking at jungwon. "Should we go to the theme park?" Jungwon said "Ofcourse sweetie" mrs lee said smiling at her new son. "Ok I'll get hyung" jungwon said rushing to the room. "Wonnie wait" she said stopping him. Jungwon turned to heeseungs mom. "We need to finish making the food" she said "oh yes the food" jungwon said walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. Heeseung finally came don from the shower.
"Hyung why did you take so long" jungwon said run to hug him. Heeseung giggle and place a kiss on the younger's forehead. "So mom what are you making?" Heeseung asked
"Hyung we made pasta, pizza sandwiches cupcakes and a pie" jungwon said. "Why so much food?", heeseung asked
Because were going to the park to have a picnic later" mrs lee said. "Ohhhhh ok then do you guys need anything else?" Heeseung stated "yes we need some drink from the store" heeseung's mom said. "Ok I'll go get them heeseung said hey take jungwon with you he needs a walk" she said giggling. Ok wonnie lets go heeseung grabbed jungwon's hands
On the way to the store both heeseung and jungwon got a message both looked very surprised by the text. Jungwon didn't know how to feel about this message, heeseung either but they had to face the fact that........

To be continued

The fact that hehehe see you soon.

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