i love you

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"Hyung?" Jungwon called "yes baby?"Heeseung answered answered with a question. "Can we......" jungwon said placing himself onto his boyfriend. "Can we what " heeseung said sitting up with jungwon on his lap. "Can we do-"before jungwon could speak heeseung grabbed him by the waist and gently placed his lips on the younger's. Jungwon pulled away, surprised at what the older done. "What isn't that what you wanted" heeseung said smirking a little. Jungwon slowly put his face towards the older's slowly closing his eyes as his lips went straight to heeseung's lips. Heeseung pulled jungwon closer to him so there's no space between them. Jungwon deepend the kiss. As they made out silently in heeseungs room. Hyung I love you jungwon said. I love you too wonnie heeseung replied as they continue making out.
Few minutes has passed heeseung was now on top of jungwon,find his way to the younger's neck kissing it lightly without leaving a mark. "Hyung"jungwon said
"Yes wonnie" heeseung replied
Jungwon only nodded his head while heeseung looked at him. That was him giving his boyfriend a sign that he's ready to give him self to the guy he loves.

Time skipped

It was now 12:00 in the morning jungwon was tired from what happened.
"Hyung I'm hungry" jungwon whined to his lover.
"What do you wanna eat mm?" Heeseung asked. Sandwich please jungwon said with a smile. "Ofcourse my wonnie I'll get it for you, you stay right here ok" heeseung said. "Ok hyung" jungwon replied fixing his self under the blanket they were using. The scene of him an his boyfriend ran through his head, which made him whizzed under the sheets.
"Wonnie" heeseung called, yes hyung" jungwon answered.
"Here's your sandwich my love" heeseung handed jungwon his sandwich. "Thanks hyung" jungwon said sitting up in the bed. "Your welcome" heeseung said with a smile.
"Hyung I'm sleepy now can we go sleep?"Jungwon said to his boyfriend. "Sure wonnie let's go sleep" heeseung smiled and lay jungwon on his chest. "Goodnight wonnie" heeseung said  "good night hyung" jungwon repeated.

Next morning (monday morning)

Heeseung already took jungwon home.
He was getting ready for school.he took a bath, brushed his teeth and ate some breakfast.

Wonnie bear🧸

Wonnie what time should I come and get you ?

Wonnie bear🧸
7:30 hyung

Ok see you soon

Heeseung was on his way to go an pick jungwon from his house to take him to school.
"Hyung can I play something on the speaker"jungwon said.
"Ofc wonnie you can" heeseung replied while focusing on the road.

(Heeseung went in his mom's car) heeseung and jungwon arrived at school to see their friends waiting on them bu the school's building entrance.

"Sunoo hyung" jungwon shouted and ran towards him. "Jungwonnie" sunoo said also running towards him. They both hug each other as niki Jay Daniel sunghoon and jake walking towards them.
"Good morning hyung" jay said to heeseung. "Morning jay" heeseung replied.
So what's the plans for today. Jake ask his brother. "I dont know hyung should we ask shua hyung to take us to see a movie?"  Jungwon suggested
Sure let's ask him after school. Jungwon then ask his boyfriend if they want to see and movie, jake also ask the rest of the group they all agreed on going except for niki he and his girl friend had a date to go on.

Time skipped

It was already time to go home. Jake called joshua to ask if he can take the boys to see a movie, and he agreed. So they all waited outside the gate for the the two older brother to pick them up.
"Good evening hyung" sunghoon said hugging his tall boyfriend. "Good evening my sweet baby how was school?" Joshua asked
It was great sunghooned said with a smile. "Hyung arent you gonna ask us about our day" jake said sarcastically, everyone laughed at jake. Should we get going guys jungwon shouted. "Ofc let's go" everyone yelled. They all get to the theater and bought their tickets. "Heeseung ah" a girl called, it was sunhee heeseung was very confuse on why she was there.
"Heeseungie I heard you can to watch a movie so I came to join you guys",she said holding his hand
All the guys were also confused and start looking at jungwon. Jungwon was very sad about how his boyfriend's ex girlfriend was clinging onto him. "I-I need to use the rest room" jungwon said stuttering while walking t the room.

  Few minutes later the boy didnt came back from the rest room and the others got worried. So the tried calling him, but there was no answer.

Wonnie,wonnie baby where are you

Where almost at the end guys hope you guys enjoyed the story


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