good boy gone bad

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At home

Jungwon was up all night thinking if he should be upset about the whole situation, he then come to the realization that he only knew heeseung for the past few days and  that he was already having a weird feeling in his stomach.

Jungwon then heard from many people that heeseung was a bad person but he didn't want to believe them. He knew heeseung was a good person, but thats what  he thought.

A week later

"YA! Loser, " heeseung yell throwing boy onto the ground. The boy had cought heeseung and some girl named chaein in the classroom making out. Heeseung thought the boy was going to tell someone, so he went after him. "If u say anything ill kill you" heeseung said and the boy nodded quickly without hesitation.

Jungwon heard noise coming from outside his classroom so he went to see, there he saw heeseung and some kid name Daniel on the floor of the hallway. Jungwon stood there watching heeseung hurting daniel in the face, until jay saw him standing there. Jay tapped heeseung on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Dude!" Jay said staring at jungwon. "What" heeseung responded turning his head to see jungwon looking at him.
Jungwon didn't know what to do or say  so he just ran away from them.
"Dude aren't you going after him? " sunghoon asked. "No leave him" heeseung replied while getting up off the ground.

Jungwon pov

I was walking out my classroom when i heard noises from the hallway so i went to see what was happening, i then saw heeseung hyung on the ground with a boy named Daniel. I stood there watching him do mean and stupid things to Daniel. I was shock on what i saw, i stayed there until i got noticed by jay hyung. He looked surprised to see me, he then tapped heeseung hyung's shoulder.I got scared and ran off. While i was walking i saw niki sunoo and jake coming from a classroom." Jungwon what's up" My brother asked. I then told them what i saw heeseung hyung was doing. They were all shock as well. "Hyung i thought he was a good person but i guess not " i told sunoo hyung.
"Who's heeseung"my brother  asked(aka jake.. Just a reminder 😂) i looked at him and remembering he hasn't met heeseung hyung as yet.
"Oh um he is a classmate of mine" i said to jake hyung.

Time skip

It was time for everyone to go home. Jungwon jake and sunoo walked to the gate waiting for niki to arrive, but niki had an extra class to sit so he texted jungwon telling them that he was going to get out late. They were about to leave then jungwon heard someone calling his name.
"Yang jungwon!!" Jungwon turned around to see who called for him,It was yeonjun.
"Oh hyung"jungwon answered his hyung with a bow."you called me hyung?" jungwon asked. "Ah yes i was wondering if you want to join the school council? " yeonjun ask the younger.
Jungwon was confused at first but decided to tell him ok. Yeonjun then went to tell the other members they will be having a 5th member of the council.( jay, daniel, yeonjun and sunoo student council members plus jungwon) "who's the new member hyung" jay asked yeonjun
"His name is yang jungwon" the  schools vice president said.
"Jungwon will be filling the role of the president since hyunjun sunbaenim graduated" yeonjun explained to them.
So guys meeting has come to an end you can go home.
The members got their bags and went home. Heeseung was waiting for jay at the door because jay texted him to wait for him. They both walked home together and went their separate ways.

Heeseung finale got into his room. He was thinking about jungwon joining the student council and how hard it will be to get his attention. Heeseung suddenly took his phone out and brought up jungwon's number.


Hey jungwon its
me heeseung


I know hyung

Um i heard you're
Joining the student

Yes i am hyung
Btw hyung why did
You texted me?

Hee hyung
Um well i wanted
to talk about what
happened in the
hall way

I know hyung
no need to talk
about it i know
you have your reasons

Hee hyung
um im sorry you
Had to see that i'm
Not normally like that

Jungwon was very upset at heeseung  for bulling that kid daniel. Heeseung nor jungwon knew that daniel was apart of the student council.

Well hyung i need
to go to bed now bye

Hee hyung
Good night then
Jungwon talk to you tomorrow


Heeseung wait for a reply from jungwon but got non so he decided to go sleep and see if jungwon will talk to him tomorrow. Heeseung still don't know why jungwon was ignoring him but hes gonna find out sooner or later.

Lets see if heeseung is gonna find out why jungwon is ignoring him.

Also will jungwon find a crush when he joins the student council who knows stay tuned to find out 😉
Until next time my beautiful/handsome readers enjoy

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