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It was morning heeseung and his friends got up early so they can get to class early, heeseung saw jungwon and Daniel sitting on the bench outside.jay saw how annoyed heeseung was and told him to chill and take a  walk to class. The school bell the rong the same time they were about to leave.jungwon had noticed heeseung from The beginning,He watched as heeseung and jay went into the building.

Over a short period of time jungwon and Daniel got really close.

It was already a few days that jungwon had become a member of the student council. Which is why him and Daniel are close.

Jungwon confessed to Daniel the day after he enter the student council, Daniel knew jungwon didn't like him so he rejected him. Daniel had his own crush and can you guess who it is, it was jay Daniel like jay so much he couldnt stop. Daniel found out that jungwon actually like heeseung, but he wasn't surprise.

"You like him" Daniel said
"Who jay hyung hell no" jungwon replied. "Not jay hyung you dumbass heeseung hyung" daniel answer back.
"Oh yeah" jungwon replied.

"Ayyyyyyy" Daniel said while laughing. "Wait what" jungwon answered looking surprise. You like him you like him Daniel sang, jungwon we blushing from ear to ear while his new best friend teased him about their hyung

Sunoo is jungwon's best friend but hes busy with Jake( jungwon's brother).
Niki also dating someone, her name was min-jae

Back to jungwon

Bell rings for their first period (jungwons pov when heeseung was looking at him)
Jungwon and daniel got up and walked to there classes
"You should tell him"jungwon said. "Who?" Daniel questioned. "Jay hyung of course, i say the way you look at him earlier dude i know you like him you should tell him" jungwon confronted his bestfriend."I dont know what if I get rejected" daniel said with an 😔 face. "Just try dude I'm here for you always".jungwon said
Jungwon and Daniel then part ways and went to there homeroom. Jungwon walked in the class room and saw heeseung with his head down on the desk. Jungwon walked up to heeseung and stared at him for a good 2 mins, heeseung slowly lift his head up seeing jungwon in front of him staring at him. "What are you staring at?". Heeseung said."Uhhh Nothing" jungwon said with a tint of red on his fluffy checks. Heeseung noticed jungwon's state and smerked at the sight of the younger's actions.

Jungwon pov

After me and Daniel parted ways i walked into my classroom and saw heeseung hyung with his head on the desk, i walked towards him. a few seconds after i noticed my self  staring At him. "What are you staring at?" Heeseung hyung asked. "Uhhhh nothing" i replied with a blushing face. I then notice the smerked on his face so i got up and quickly went to my seat.

It was lunch time jungwon was the last to leave the class. He was going to go meet daniel and his other friends, but he heard two people talking in the other class. He look it was heeseung with  another girl talking all cute and stuffs.jungwon felt his chest ached him, he felt tears running down his face. He accidentally knocked  something over and made a huge noise. Heeseung noticed jungwon at the door and quickly got up. "Jungwon its not-" before heeseung could finish jungwon said its fine hyung i was about to leave he cuts heeseung off. Jungwon quickly left, heeseung behind him going after him. "Jungwon, Yang jungwon!!!" Heeseung yelled which made the younger stop
Heeseung walked up to him and grabbed his wrist "jungwon its not what you think" Heeseung said.,"I said it's fine hyung now please let me go i need to go see my friends"  jungwon said.
Before he could take off heeseung pulled him into a hug and hugged the younger very tight. "Yang jungwon i know this sudden but i i like you i like you very much" heeseung confessed while hugging jungwon's tiny body. "Hyung i i don't know what to say" jungwon said. "Do you like me? " heeseung said letting the boy go. He was waited for jungwon to answer but jungwon was very shocked of the sudden confession from his hyung

To be continued

Hi dear readers

For the past few days that i didn't post im sorry i wasn't in a really good state to think i was not feeling well but now im back feeling a little better than before. So here's a new update of i need u hope you guys like it

I also have a new story called touch. Im looking forward to writing this story for you guys

Thank you guys for all the support that ive got. I hope you enjoy until next time


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